
Exhibit A. Pizza crusts!


I actually love this photo.

Hahaha. B-cup here and it totally happens to me.

This atheist begrudgingly stars your comment.

Funny. I campaigned for Dukasis in elementary school because I thought he was better looking. Kids are dumb.

Cold Y. I love this! I was born in '80 and I think the technology divide is what separates us from people born in the mid-60s and mid-80s.

Yeah, this story was on the news this morning and it was an SUVish looking car with tinted back windows.

Great suggestion.

My sister in law has 5! kids, including 3 little ones. I'm always amazed that everyone in her family isn't a hot mess,

I always thought the first-born was the high strung over-acheiver and then second was always the lazy slacker.

Co-signed. I have a sister and we are not close. At all.

I really like this idea - in theory. In practice, I'm a little concerned about durability and the ability to clean it off the floor. Goo-b-gone will be her friend!

Haaaa. I have a very similar story. Pot brownies can be dangerous, yo

Foxy Brown! Time for some Ill Na Na

Athleta.com They're pricy and rarely have sales, but they have plenty of tall cute work out stuff.

Ha! I'll take your word for it. The only feijoada I had in Brazil was in Sao Paulo but it was amazing.

Feijoada is the bomb.

I like your idea of taking down O'Leary and would like to invest in your product.

Now that put it like that ... I'm sad that I didn't discover it earlier.