Because your wife doesn't need your help the first couple of days.
Because your wife doesn't need your help the first couple of days.
Secret Shame: Voted for non-Machine approved SGA candidates
He has T-Rex arms. But, that's what I thought re: dress code! Finger tip rule. If everyone had short arms, we'd be walking around in minis.
Agreed. Although my husband once referred to my arms as "gorilla arms." So..
Tucker Max? I think that's maybe what they meant. Maybe.
"Krewe of Chad"
Considers a Northface vest to be formal wear.
White v-neck? In Atlanta? Midtown Bro?
Celeb brospiration: The Wahlberg brothers
Oh, then I totally get it. Carry on then! I'm heading down to Gulfport in a couple weeks so I will keep my eye out as I cross the state!
I can maybe see a non-University of Alabama student wearing this hat, but.. seriously ACTUAL ALABAMA STUDENTS WEAR THAT HAT? wtf?
HOPE SCHOLARSHIP! saved my life.
ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN. Or, the Rainbow Bridge. Or, whatever. Frolicking in the sun.
That is not a quiche? Ma francaise est mal aussi.
I can't explain any of this picture. The tights. Her nose. The tattoos (?) on her breasts.