
Other people’s bodies should just be off the table as a conversational topic. One of the reasons why I fell into that mode of behavior is because my parents were extremely critical of my body throughout my childhood. I was conditioned to think about it from a young age, and not a day has gone by since the age of 6

Also: this is why whenever I travel, I pack snacks. Having some almonds or crackers on hand helps me avoid mini bar temptations.

I wish you guys had included bottled flat water in the comparison. It’s already marked up thousands of times compared to what comes out of tap when you buy it at the corner store. I’ve seen 11 dollar bottles of water in mini bars. It’s completely insane.

Yup. I don’t think I ever fit the clinical definition of anorexic, but I definitely went through a phase of troubled eating and problematic self image, and the positive feedback really fueled it. I went from size 10 to a size 2 over the course of, gosh, 9 months? And I got so many wonderful compliments. I had never

Whether or not this is satire, I thought I’d chime in on maxi dresses too. I'm short and a little curvy, and for years figured they'd look awful on me. Today I wore a long black one with wedges, a tiny tee underneath and got muchos compliments. Secret weapon: lightweight spanx type wear to craft a slightly smoother

Damn, lady!

Definitely. The problem with her character being a bit difficult (understatement, I know), is that it’s going to take forever for anyone to connect the dots and realize this.

Cosigned. That bread cannot be healthy. I think the smell of those shops is the smell of chemical- laden bread that has been premixed into dough at a factory and then shipped to each store for baking. To me, the worst part of Subway is the extremely skeevy guy behind the counter making your sandwich and leering at you


I’m one of those weirdos who think that cilantro tastes like soap, so it beats me. I guess she’s making guacamole, but it seems an impractical choice. Whole wheat bread, peanut butter, skim milk, chick peas, brown rice, cheddar cheese, broccoli—all better options. I guess the kale is a good choice if she consumes it

Some peanut butter would have been a better investment than the avocado and the limes. It will keep longer. I’ve never been on SNAP, but I have had to stretch unemployment checks to their limit, and I credit peanut butter and chickpeas for keeping me sated during those stretches.

Ha ha. I was just about to leave a comment about the limes. What is up with those? Who needs that many limes?

People always focus on House of Cards and Scandal when they talk about quintessential DC shows. I’ve lived here for 16 years, working on the periphery of politics for much of it, and I think that Veep is way more indicative of DC culture than Cards or Scandal. DC is teeming with Jonahs. Go to a bar on Capitol Hill or

Aw, shit. Heated seats? Why didn't you say so earlier?

Ha ha. Actually, yes. And I have two bed frames of my own so I don't really care if my date has any bed frames or not. What a random criteria for a mate.

Word. I'm often hit on by dudes in their 60s.

It's interesting. I hear that a lot, and I don't know who these ladies are who expect these things. Maybe they're on a Real Housewives franchise. I've certainly never met anyone who expects their man to earn 6 figures, look like Brad Pitt, shower them with gifts etc, nor do I. In fact, being showered with gifts makes

Back when I was super duper calorie conscious, I practically subsided off pickles. I'm shocked I didn't give myself an ulcer at age 19.

Yes! Also, about the standards: how would a stranger on the internet know what my standards are? Why do people automatically assume my standards are too high? I went through a very long phase where, actually, they weren't high enough. And yes, that's very nice perspective regarding appreciating what you have. I also

I did! It's nice in here! Love what you've done with the place.