
I have decent self esteem. I never claimed to be a super hot commodity. My expectations are not extremely high. I don't think it's too much to ask to meet a man who is single, even somewhat attractive and relatively intelligent. Trust me, I've entertained all kinds of options. I am not that picky. I also live in a

Yes, this. I am 38, never married. When I was a stupidly fearless 27 year old, dating was awesome! I had more guys than I knew what to do with. I don't think I've aged that badly (I'm regularly mistaken for 30, and I think I'm pretty cute), I have a nice job, I'm smart, I'm funny and I have great friends, but it's

Another place where they really get you is the size of the containers—they're huge! I try to eyeball portion sizes of everything I add so even if it looks like a small salad in that huge container, I know it's actually a decent sized salad in a ginormous container.

Eeeew, they could not be cringe kissing any more in that photo.

That's pretty much how I feel about aerobics in general. Why not just go for a walk? I also cannot fathom a couple with less chemistry that JLC and JT.

She has like, three distinct moves in her repertoire. Not a very good dance/aerobics instructor, if you ask me.

Good tip with the skirt. I'm busty and short waisted and skirts always look silly on me since my boobs seem to take up half my torso. Might as well eliminate the torso element altogether.

This is the best. It's so thorough and thoughtful. I'm not even into camping, but it sounds perfect.

Word! Plus, if she stated a preference for no spectacle, sounds like dick products would just embarrass her. Who needs that?

Yeah, I never quite got the Gwyneth look. Her chest is too flat and her neck is too long for that style, and it looks too big, like she went on some sort of pre-Oscars crash diet and didn't get it tailored properly. It's a shame because she has a body that wears clothing really well, and this just seems like a wasted

I work for an advocacy organization that used to do a lot on this issue. Triclosan is bad; please avoid it. It was originally developed for use in medical settings, but it's become the hot new thing, a way for companies to boost profits by pandering to everyone's fear of germs. We don't need it. It shows up

Thank you for bringing this up. I feel like there's great emphasis these days on plus sized shopping, but little said about those of us who wear straight sizes and happen to have round bodies. Even when I'm a size 4, I look round. Just because you're a straight size, does not mean that you won't have a hard time

Thank you! I work on GMO labeling issues and can tell you that we should definitely be worried about them. In addition to the fact that their long term environmental and public health effects are unknown, they require pesticides that deplete the earth. Lumping the anti- GMO movement in with anti vaxers is dangerous

He's hot and all but why must he always wear sunglasses? Is there some massive glare coming off whatever is in that pan? I totally relate to light sensitivity, but I'm beginning to wonder if he traded his eyeballs for eternal youth.

Yeah, quitting booze often does the trick. Good for him!

I dunno. It looks like he just lost some weight. I think he looks very handsome, which is not something I ever expected to say about Zach Galifanakis.

A few years ago, I decided to test drive a theory that I'd have better luck finding a real relationship if I didn't put out quite so soon, so I asked this dude I was dating if we could wait a few weeks before we had sex. He obliged, and I thought I had found the sweetest guy. He slept over after the second or third

Thank you! I'm ambivalent about having children and also ambivalent about the fact that I haven't had any. I don't want to be a single mom, and at age 38, I fear (here comes the cliche) that I will never find anyone to have kids with. While I want to be happy for people who are excited to be new parents, all of this

Wasn't there some sort of awfulness around casting time where some terrible person was slamming him as a choice because he identifies as gay in real life and thus, they claimed, he wouldn't have "realistic chemistry?" Did I make that up? Has that person *seen* White Collar? He could have chemistry with a dried up wad

Agreed. Matt Bomer is perfection in a suit.