
OK, so Pats fans are vile. Yup, I get that. Really. Honest! I do.

Let’s not ignore Princess Consuela Bananahammock.

Could he *be* any more American?!

That’s Miss Chanandler Bong.

Ugh. I have as many complaints as anyone about how badly Game of Thrones has gone awry, but I wish people were more willing to accept that sometimes things suck and there’s just no recourse. The impulse to DO SOMETHING about every damn cultural affront is not healthy, and it’s probably helped fuel the impulse toward

I don’t like the execution, but if people didn’t think Dany would end up being the villain, they never understood the show they were watching.

Oh God, fuck this. I have my misgivings about it too, but I am so done with entitled dipshit fans like these.

Three things:

And it’s pretty insulting for ‘arm-chair quarterbacks’ to sit around and complain that the creators did things wrong just because the plot turned down a path they didn’t like, want, or see.  If half the people on the internet actually tried to write or film something for themselves, they’d discover that it’s REALLY

I empathize with your point. I’m sorry you’ve felt that some of us making these sorts of arguments have been patronizing. I hope the following doesn’t come across that way, but rather suggests why people might not disagree on this as much as it feels like.

I really, REALLY need everyone to stop with this. Having a different opinion on what constitutes good foreshadowing is not “not paying attention.”

She “volunteer to save humanity.” She did it because the man she loved asked her to, and more importantly, she hoped the surviving army would help win her the throne. Even with those considerations, she STILL had to be convinced to make the right choice... as she has had to most other times in the past.

Thank you for this. The outrage is so bogus it’s almost comical.

Agree with all of this. Posted this elsewhere (pardon the length):

5.  Let’s see, I have one dragon left, let’s bring him along and have it SIT ON THE GROUND WITHIN RANGE OF 50 SCORPIONS

Found this online. Pretty much sums it up.

Those that got up were human when the battle started, then they died during the battle. Then they got up when the NK did his thing.

The part where Samwell is being smothered by White Walkers and Jon Snow walks by and for a second he’s like, should I help? Then he’s like, no and keeps going. I guess at this point he thought. Fuck it, everyone person for themselves.

Zombie Ned would’ve been fine, but I was holding out hope for Wight Hodor.

I for one quite liked it! What a tense 90 (?) minutes of television. Seeing poor Winterfell torn apart again. The chaos of the dark battle, plans falling apart. Arya delivering the killing blow with the knife that started the War of the Five Kings! If I had any complaint, it’s that too many characters survived