LOL I remember meeting my giant creepy skeleton for the first time! *Switches weapons so light fades* If I can't see it it can't hurt me
The Bible is a compilation of writings by the various prophets and followers of Jesus. There was a council of some sort that did the compilations around 400 A.D.
Gee, if I had to replace any console of mine three times, I'd sure remember it. And not in a positive light.
Being someone in retail, I can tell you the margin between Sony and Microsoft games is no different. It also depends deeply on who your supplier is and how large your buy is. If you're able to go direct with publishers and make 'large' deals. You'll get a better return (better margin is still in accessories/bundles).…
"They [Microsoft] are not looking at Sony or Nintendo, but are frantically coming up with countermeasures for Apple and Google."
Kids? How about long-time gamers?
This is my most favourite NES title screen ever. I remember when I first turned the game on, and this scrolled up into position with the awesome music. Instantly fell in love with the game. I know it's one of the most controversial games in the Zelda series (CDi games excluded), but I personally think it's one of the…