
The big issue people are concerned about is with the effective loss of news organizations, people might start turning more unverified random posters for “news” on facebook.

Just to make it more ridicolous, when will they start demanding money for linking articles in mobile phone messages/SMS?

Levi doesn’t mention it properly, but that info is taken from this link below, which apparently shows each consoles sales based on a certain amount of months since each’ release

Said manufacturer also didn’t even mention Nintendo (or mobile games for that matter) in the previous statistics they “somehow” gave to american politicians so they could nag about it among themselves

Sony started to claw it’s way back around the time it released the first slim version. That was when I finally bought it, after having had the 360 for at least a year. Sadly, to me the PS3 ended up with more games I wanted to play than the 360, exclusives or not.

The 360 had a lead in most of the world, but that lead was mostly lost because of MS (and Sony) tried to go after Nintendo Wii with Kinect (and Move respectfully). It just happened that Sony at least tried to make proper Triple-A games at the same time, while MS went full-on Kinect...

Wii U was probably the only one that did sell at a loss. If we exclude the Virtual Boy

So are you fine with developers starting from square one by throwing away stuff they added to previous games just to re-add them later, and when the game doesn’t look like it technically is any different from Diablo 3, other than a bunch of different textures?

Wasn’t that one of the reason why the movie industry moved away from New York to Hollywood[land]? :P

1 milion settlement? wasn’t he supposed to get substancially more?

I might be sexist in my view in women (I like big boobs and I cannot lie!), but I would rather play as a woman than look at a *buff* man

Uhm, from what I understand, the Champions Leathers (both of them) have lost the number ability the one in BotW had. In this game they’re just armor with higher starting protection. At least I do not remember seeing the numbers re-appear while wearing either of them (even at lvl2 )

I still find it funny that the same EU, who’s been after Microsoft several times for being too big as well, all of a sudden allowed the ABK merger

You could say that it’s actually Samus who’s moving like the Prince

Isn’t most Blizzard games missing from Steam since, well forever?

I wonder if they saw the success of Tears of the Kingdom and said to themselves “Huh, maybe delaying a game really does help?”

*edited* Octopus-Crime gave a better reply.

Modders be like: “Hyper-realistic you say? Let me fix that for you...”

No, that’s what we got Transformers for

Yeah, by the time they’ve live-actioned all their animations and remade all the live-action movies they’ve made since the 50's, enough time would have passed for them to be remade again.