
What exclusives? The exclusive games that come from studios that have been nurtured by Sony from very early on?

In that case of FF, I think it’s more SE, not Sony, that’s at fault.

The Xbox 360 ate the PS3’s lunch. Sony returned the favor with the PS4.”
Except the PS3 made a huge comeback and if I’m not mistaken actually overtook the Xbox 360 at the end of their livespan. At least in Europe.

So for a company that failed to keep their lead, MS are really a mess...

Is it Sony’s fault that Microsoft lost their Xbox 360 lead, and shoot their own foot with a friggin nuclear bomb when it came to the Xbox One release?

I guess we’re on each side of the coin on that then XD

For some reason american companies loved the sub-par framerate of the games they churned out...

Well, didn’t Phil Fish go around slandering JRPG for being shit? but that wasnt in 2006, but much later.

Wait... did you... just say South Park catered to Republicans...?

Anyone know when (or if) this will air on Disney+? We dont have Hulu in Sweden.

I would’ve played the Nioh games more, if it wasn’t for the mission-based structure instead of a open world. Nioh 1 felt less than a Demon’s Souls copy than it did a Mega Man X one...

I bought the OLED version less than 2 months ago, I didnt get any games with it.

You mean’t Epistle 2 right... right?

I’m pretty sure SE already knew they’d make their money back by just releasing it on the Playstation, due to it still being the biggest market share in Japan.

I wonder what Nintendo pays Nintendo not to release Mario, Zelda or Metroid on other consoles.

“Many people, within and beyond the larger gaming community have voiced concerns about promoting Hogwarts Legacy as it will, in turn, monetarily support Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who has repeatedly expressed anti-trans sentiments.”

No they haven’t? They’ve done other scummy shit, but when it comes to most games Sony are known for, they actually own the copyrights to them, and lets 1st, 2nd and 3rd party develop them.

All 2d games with and after Super Metroid, had a dot on the map that shows there was an item here. Super Metroid did not have an icon for every single item though (perhaps the limitation of the map, or they forgot to add the missing dots?)

The game is quite overhauled, so the price is somewhat alright. But I just got all the extras in the game, and I noticed that they didnt keep the Fusion suit :(

I remember that Prime 3 also had a way to show how many items you’ve found

Who have Sony supposedly payed to keep away from Microsoft?