
Then change title from The to My instead?

So you had no intention of adding Metroid Prime to the list? So this isn’t a list of the Best GameCube Games, just a list of games you like on the GameCube?

Welp. Guess I should ask for a refund on my D+ renewal...

sorry what? 10 year olds are around the age children are easily taugh... Why do you think we go to school at that age?

I joined myself a monht after HL2 was released

But does Apple computers block you from installing software from outside the store?

But they’re still not allowed to use other payments system directly in their program, they can only link to it (which I though Apple didn’t block, but I guess they did)

I got my ass handed to me by the 2nd realm boss (I managed to defeat them ony 2nd try, but first after havign spent almost 6 life potions!!!). Is their level always a set number above you or can I grind to it... because this game seems like it needs a lot of grinding when most enemies only give 5-6 EXP...

Whether or not the music is licensed, the modders are most likely not making the assets free to download (I dont know if re3 does that or not. If they do, then they’re idiots). I presume you, the person who wish to mod the game(s) and make them work on, for example, Switch, will still need to provide the game assets

Really? Considering the GTA Classic CD bundle only had 3 discs, I thought it was only 3 games

GTa2 is technically the third GTA game. GTA London is a standalone version of GTA1 but in 60/70's London.

Huh? So why do we have this “Right to Repair” going on right now if this wasn’t true?

Sarcasm or not, the base-game for those Mods allowed for modding from day one. Nintendo has never allowed for those things, and there’s even a lot of PC developers that also doesn’t do it. Doom and Quake spoiled the modders

I hadn’t read about the company since the last real article gizmodo posted, which I think was 3-4 years ago

Or you know, I dont think Kraid was native to Zebes to begin with. So why cant there exist more of them?

What arm-cannon?

You do know that DOOM-clone was a valid “genre” for about 2-3 years?

Difficult how? To translate to a Switch controller? After having played the game on an emulator (ripped using my own 3DS and game cartridge mind you), the game was fully playable on a PS4/DS4 controller after mapping the touch-only parts of the under screen to the right analogue stick (Up, Right and Down to simulate

I thought most people associated Hollow Knight with Dark Souls?

The last time I played the Metroid Prime games, I tried to not kill any creatures that didnt get out their ways to kill me