
So, in the end, the content creator can still see the negative counter and still feel depressed? How is that going to help?

Unless you’re someone like me, who has to rip the games on PC so I can play the games on the PS3 again because my PS3 BD-ROM is busted and getting a new BD-ROM is an expensive hassle or getting a new/not as used PS3...

As long as the original Emil songs and The Lost Forest arent retouched too much, I’ll love it.

I did the mistake of not replaying the original Nier after finishing it 1 time. Does it cut some stuff out like Automata does so you wont have to replay the whole god damn game again?

I dont think people turned a blind eye towards acti-blizz, its just that EA used to eclipse A-B on most points (except having a ridiculously rich CEO)

If you ask me, I faintly remember Skype starting to suck even before MSN took over

The Wonder Boy 2/3 remake wants a word with you on that...

And that game still introduced me to the first NieR game

Google: “Hey, Sony *wink wink*, you still wanna use Microsoft’s cloud systems?”

Don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or not...

MekaDragon? Wonder Boy would like a word with you!

All the versions of Virtual Console and Nintendo Online shows how incorrect your comment is.

Anyone reached the max save size yet? :P

Well, the Vinland Saga crossover appears to have the male eivor too, or is manga not considered comics?

This made me think of that Castlevania game for xbox 360 and ps3

Where’s Travis from the original game? #smh

that’s what boredom does to people :P

I think he asked what you wrote, because it makes as much as sense as Ray Fisher.

And here I thought it was delayed because the show is overrated

Sega was trying to pull Sony and Microsoft moves with Saturn and Dreamcast though (being overly powerful compared what’s already out)