
I’m pretty sure the scammer has English as a first language, but his skills are “internet/mobile/bebo/facebook” leveled, or he’s a minor.

Is ReArise a wordplay on Realize? considering how the Japanese translates “el” to “eru”

And then there’s a certain Will Smit netflix movie

Or other european countries.

Or other european countries.

Funny how that works, since Sweden/Europe has been geoblocked from watching the said free stream!!!

I presume it didn’t stop because you failed to shoot all the shootable buttons?

I’m not sure if you’re trying to defend EGS, or trying to make me look bad for being on the “anti-EGS” side. My only answer to that is: I don’t care what’s happening around EGS, as there is currently nothing there that interests me (I’m playing BL3 on Ps4 anyways), other than the metroidvania game (Shadow something) th

Still got fired.

I wonder what the patch-note will say when they stop being a epic exclusive (if ever).

Welp. I wonder, as a Sony user, when I’ll ever see any security updates (Using Xperia 5)

While I haven’t played much Overwatch (heck, I think I played it for about 30 minutes...), but I always felt like Pharah was supposed to be Overwatch’s Samus Aran.

Actually, that 12 million dollar thing came up much earlier than this lawsuit. I think Jim Sterling talked about it almost 3 years ago.

only 4? :P I had a level 12 assault rifle until I was level 25

While I didn’t see it directly, I though for some reason that a baby might be imprinted in the stains. To my surprise, it was the world map instead.

Copying my answer to Moofu:

To me, using the boots and feather is like the sword and shield. You can have both equipped, but can’t exactly use them at the same time, which is why I dont consider them as a combination (like pressing both button at the same time with bow+bombs, which I never knew back when I was playing LA originally).

Never knew that this was a thing until this decade.

I 100% the game (or... at least I think I did...) back on the original game boy, and I had no memory of having to use the combined items to progress everywhere?

Wait, are players themselves asking to have the guns nerfed? In a mostly PvE game? Fuck you, now you ruined my lovely sticky shotgun...