
AV club got it wrong, it was actually down under in Austria that she was arrested.

I kinda wish that Grandia 3 was in this collection too. The collection is more than 50 usd in Sweden, which sounds kinda step for what they supposedly did for it.

Epic should have said that “We’ll put in queue for coming release” instead of saying “we cant take non-exclusive games at the moment.”

Well they did complain that they dont have enough bandwidth to alloculate for all the releases. But I dont know if it meant that they are to cheap to pay for the actual bandwidth, or their servers and software arent programmed to handle too many releases at once.

“ We have very limited release bandwidth and are definitely prioritizing games with opportunities for exclusivity...

Now playing

Don’t know how much is actually sampled from Invader Zim but I’ve always liked this track:

Just wanted to say that Fort Boyard isn’t a youtube thing... well not originally. It has been a competition show for TV in various countries, and has existed since about 1993 on Swedish TV as “Fångarna på fortet” (Prisoners on the fort)

I kinda dislike that how, John Oliver as a british english, used the word “intercourse” when talking about the guy’s obsession with horses. Intercourse just means to have a talk/activity/dialog with someone else. But well, with his obsession with horses, there’s probably no doubt he did more than having an intercourse

For some reason, I could actually see him maybe becoming a slightly better person throu boot-camp 

I don’t own the game and doubt that I ever will. Though, I wont let it pass me by to try it. Some levels do look sick, but I have NO imagination (I follow LEGO instructions to a fault, as long as I got all the pieces needed), so I doubt I will ever buy it to make my own levels (which is a big part of Mario Maker’s

I kinda wish Lloyd would voice Uncle Fester

Actually, the trailer lists him as “It”, so can’t exactly blame avc for that

Hans, is that you?

When it comes to games that balances things like moves over time, are there any games that stores previous settings? I dont play that many fighting games, but I do tend to dislike some balacing version made on the Souls games :P

Considering you pay monthly to play the game, the loot is...? :P

This article isn’t really about Nintendo as a video game maker, but as a hardware gaming device maker, and having them implement a policy for game publishers to follow if they want to release their games on their hardware (in the US).

Well, at least Microsoft didn’t have a huge summer sale at the time they launched the digital stores for Xbox.

Kinda like the golden bars in King’s mobile games then?

So, no support for Ps4?