Wait? Christian clergy exercising their 1st amendment rights under the constitution are DISGUSTING?! Care to elaborate?
Wait? Christian clergy exercising their 1st amendment rights under the constitution are DISGUSTING?! Care to elaborate?
Because Denton wants them here. Trolls generate arguments, and arguments generate pageclicks. Hell, he pretty much openly designed Kinja to be a troll paradise. I'm with you, getting very sick of it.
I never understood this. You would think that people who against abortion, but be all for contraception cause it would cut down on the abortion rate. Like the logic escapes me.
But why the hell are there so many, and why do they get to stick around for so long? I'm getting pretty fed up with it.
Dear Jesus! How did you know? That's EXACTLY what happened!
Why should someone who is not me or my doctor decide which of the available birth control options are the right ones for me?
You are another one of those people who don't understand insurance. Employees pay for part of their insurance. Employers pay for the other part as part of a compensation package for said employees. Using insurance to get a better price on medications should include ALL medications that the employee's doctor feels…
Im always saying this. You dont like abortion, fine. I personally hate it, even if I believe in the right of a woman to have unfettered access to it. But the hypocrisy of Religion to say abortion is bad but so are contraceptives and sex education is just... INSANE. We could cut abortions drastically by providing…
Na, just the woman who raised you.
Again, I feel the need to quote my doctor. She is personally opposed to abortion (though will assist any woman with the necessary steps to obtain one, and will provide after care), so she believes strongly that anti-abortion people should be pro-contraception people. Every time I go in (not now, b/c I'm trying to get…
That "another party" is a health insurance company, which exist to pay for medication and health care. Why do you think your boss should have any input over what kind of services your health insurance provides?
Aren't birth control pills a prescription medication? You can't just pass them out on the street, even if they could afford it. The condoms are a symbol.
Did you hear? All forms of contraception can now be paid for out of pocket if your employer so wishes! http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/…
The ACA mandated that contraceptives be covered by all insurance. That's why Hobby Lobby sued the government in the first place. Backstory, there is one.
Dear blind conservative, a few things you seem to be confused about yourself:
Healthcare is part of my compensation package, and therefore = a paycheck.
If you aren't already aware, we have already started sliding down the cliff. A number of other "christian" organizations are now asking for the same exemption and lower courts have also ruled in favor of another six organizations citing this decision. Not to mention that several religious business representatives sent…
$50 when you're making minimum wage is closing in on a full days work. That's not a small price to pay in the slightest- not even considering other options that may be deemed medically necessary for entirely unrelated reasons, that the ruling opened up to any company who wants to claim its "against their deeply held…
soooo, people should just have unprotected sex and use Plan B every time? $50 per hump adds up pretty fast. and birth control pills are prescribed for all sorts of non-prophylactic purposes, and they can be quite expensive. and IUDs are super pricey. I don't think you've quite thought this through.
Your President('s Twitter account) is feeling a little cheeky today.