Literally none of what you just typed is true...
Literally none of what you just typed is true...
Congratulations, you managed to look even more self-obsessed than Kim and Kanye.
Usually I don’t give a fuck about the Kardashians - like, if they all got eaten by lions tomorrow I’d be like, “Oh, that’s nice” - but that aging thing breaks my heart. They’re not talking about aging like “uh-oh, I’m nervous about adulthood”; they’re talking about it in this very jaded show biz way like “the older we…
That, maybe, and that her self-worth is based on her youth and beauty and she is terrified to lose them, because then she’ll have nothing.
Team dog.
“Bothering everyone and talking to strangers is totally ok, but touching is somehow a no no.”
Come to think of it, have we ever seen Joe and Ariana in the same place at the same time? What if.....
Please shut the fuck up you mindless drone. Stop parroting every thing you hear on Fox News.
Zero for the victim, all of them for the murderer.
Actually, both men served in the Coast Guard. Guess how many stories mention that the victim served compared to those mentioning the murderer served?
Looks like you need a history lesson.
Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.
"minorities are being killed by the very men and women sworn to protect and to serve them."
Your dad was wrong. Most all LEO's are bad because they turn a blind eye to the truly bad LEO's or cover for them.
Because I know that someone in the comments will talk about how dangerous it is to be a police officer, just wanting to come home alive, etc.
It is more dangerous to be employed as a landscaper in America than it is to be employed as police officer. This is a fact that is true and is verifiable.
No need for the reproductive ageism. Williams didn’t say anything about grandmothers (interesting that Jezebel, not Williams, also chose grandmothers, not grandparents). She’s saying that some adult authority figures do not understand the pressures upon contemporary teens, nothing more.
I find Leo’s preference for women twenty years his junior hella gross too, but let’s not compare that with a rapist and a crazy-pants who belongs to an evil cult mmmkay?
every time Paris Hilton speaks, it only makes me glad that the Kardashians happened & she faded out
he’s fucking willing supermodels. nothing wrong with that.