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"If the U.S. government doesn't block the movie's release"

How could they miss that Neighbors is a scathing inditement of North and South Korean relations? Zach Efron's fun loving frat boy is clearly a metaphor for South Korea.

Unless black people start saying it first...

That's a terribly defeatist attitude.

Yes, and? Are you suggesting that therefore non-bigoted American groups shouldn't be the ones to try to change it?

And you presume to know my demographic because...

isn't it nice to read an unbiased report of an event? To be able to form your own opinion without first wading through the quagmire of someone else's prejudice?

If rights don't focus on the individual, then what does it focus on? The potatoes?

Is it better to promote anti-slavery in foreign countries in the name of human rights, or to refrain out of a sense of cultural sensitivity?

some local customs and cultural traditions deserve to be destroyed

He's 150% right. I'm so sick of rights for women, LGBT persons, etc. getting trampled under these bullshit excuses.

The defendants' lawyer is pissed that the child porn law is being applied in a way he claims is outside of the intention of the law and vows to fight the charges tooth and nail.

Adorable as they may be Jason, this is precisely the reason that we need MANDATED annual re-testing for people beyond a certain age threshold, along with increased and improved intensive driver-training at all levels.

Its always conservatives who threaten to move here I see (for some baffling reason). IDK we just threaten to move to Europe. As you do.

Notice that, as always, the women are expected to do concrete tasks that will be noticed if they are not done. The men get away with lofty and elusive goals like "shaping minds", things they can easily claim credit for whether they do them or not, and no one will dare to gainsay them. It reminds me of my feeling about


Correction: Jaden and Willow seem to be insufferable. You rarely hear anything about his older son, Trey. The only time I can recall seeing Trey in the media, other than when Will did that song about him, is in connection to playing football.

Don't believe her. I was blocked and I don't troll, spam, or use hate speech. I did, however, say that in Kat's world, apparently the biggest problem transsexuals face is the language people use when talking about them. I'm pretty sure that's the one that she conservatively used the block feature on. Which seems

Okay. Let's not fucking beat around the bush because we still haven't gotten to educating people about every LGBT issue. The fact is that Gen Y and younger are absolutely, unequivocally, are less homophobic. Read the stats. See who's behind the push for gay marriage. While the trans issue train may have not started