I feel like I may have been part of the inspiration for this article, having mentioned in a previous article how large the backlog of shame is these days and the long-since-passed threshold for living long enough to finish them all.
I feel like I may have been part of the inspiration for this article, having mentioned in a previous article how large the backlog of shame is these days and the long-since-passed threshold for living long enough to finish them all.
Have not seen this mentioned yet, but did they keep the offline progress aspect of the first game? ie, you shut the game off for a few days and your outpost would consume supplies and potentially lose survivors if your situation was dire enough. I liked the idea of it more than the implementation as it seemed they…
At least it has the permadeath feature from the single player. I could imagine how much you could gimp the system if it was treated like a free cannon fodder.
Guess I am waiting for the Steam release then. I have the physical copy pre-ordered for XB1, but that doesn’t grant me a PC copy anyways.
hahahahaha, no. If not for my son wanting to play State of Decay 2 on the system, I’d have nothing else on it I have any interest in playing until Crackdown 3, assuming it doesn’t just end up on PC anyways. Although if it does and only available via the usual shoddy MS store, I am more inclined to get it on xb anyways.
hahahahaha, no. If not for my son wanting to play State of Decay 2 on the system, I’d have nothing else on it I have…
So, any bets on how long until Ethan kills another fan project? I give it a week before we see any update or new article saying how this project is dead now.
I will be progressing through my ongoing playthrough of Breath of the Wild and exploring out the rest of that map. If I alternate games, it will be to continue on in God of War.
What game haven’t I abandoned? January I was hot on Witcher 3 (PC replay after having stopped half way on PS4.), then Mon Hun World hit and I jumped ship to that for a few weeks, then I got a Switch and Zelda/Odyssey/Kart. Then Far Cry 5 came out and I dove in to that.....until God of War hit. Now I am balancing my…
This game is in my list of “oh, I had forgotten I bought that” when it came up in a sale and I went to see how much it was and “Download” was hitting me in the face.
Not just Rockstar. The earlier Mafia games both went through this where they were completely unavailable to buy digitally until they removed music that they no longer had the license to use.
Well, that took a week.
Wow. I had noticed he was not posting recently, but chalked it up to vacation. This is not what I had in mind. Get well soon, Mike.
Looks like an interesting take on the genre. I’ll look for it when it hits Steam.
There are other vendors selling this alongside a USB-C OTG cable, which allows you to hang the dongle off the Switch to use it. Bonus, they are the same price as this is now that the coupon is off.
There are other vendors selling this alongside a USB-C OTG cable, which allows you to hang the dongle off the Switch…
“Microsoft did not immediately respond to Kotaku’s request for comment.”
Except that, knowing Activision, they will only use that split to price each part at $30-$40 rather than the logical $20. See Advanced Warfare and the MW1 remaster.
Damn, for some reason, I had this coming out on the 27th in my head. And I am no where near finishing up on FC5 (or BotW, but that’s an easy game to keep playing on the toilet side.
Halo 5 only technically plays on PC in the map editor. Still a good point though about the rest. If you have a PC, you already have 90% of the games available on XB1 and potentially, play them at a higher resolution/frame rate.
I get that PS+ should be required for the MP, but they chose to make it limited just to play the sp missions? That’s not just disappointing, but I think it actively goes against what they did for FC4.
Or later with three times as many.