Kasei Vallis

Same thing goes with propane tanks and zombie health inspectors (those yellow suited dudes with the tanks on their backs). Often times, when I need to be across the map and it's approaching dusk, I'll set one off as I'm passing through as it will kill and make a great distraction for the virals.

First thought that came to mind. Too bad there wasn't a better pic.

Came for the OwenBarrow. TY Brandon

I've read The Last Wish and am almost done with Blood of Elves, with the last two up next. I love getting the background on the characters and world before Witcher 2. I played 1, but never finished it and powered through #2 a few years ago. I am considering a replay of #2 in the lull after I finish Dying Light and

I've taken out a few blimps with the laser and the blast cannon, paired with the jet body. Basically just hit and run and you can keep doing it while avoiding the flak. Laser is pretty easy if you can keep hitting it from outside it's range.

This highly-rated 802.11ac router has never been cheaper, and should be more than sufficient for your networking needs for years to come. [NETGEAR Nighthawk X4 AC2350 Smart Wi-Fi Router (R7500), $200]

With all of the disappointments, I think the award for most disappointing company goes to Square. Their dealing for Tomb Raider and blase attitude towards Sony owners (buy the new Osiris instead), locking the FF XXV demo to a limited time, full priced port of an older game, releasing said port of on a different

If you're interested, you can find Outcast 1.1 on Steam here. It'll be unlocked in a few hours. Do note that on the Facebook page, the devs have said that the GOG version of the game will receive this update for free, so it might be best to wait if you already own a GOG copy.

I love posts like these. Thank you Kirk for bringing music to our attention that may have escaped our attention.

Now playing

I'm sure when it gets fully released, this (or the main theme that uses it) will become my favorite from MGS V:

Between this and the reveal, you would think that SE was purposefully torpedoing their own product. Who's going to buy a ported version with little to no improvement over an already available PC version that has actually had a decent sale price in the past?

Damn, that's a great deal. Time to replace the 1st generation KF.

Damn, that's a great deal. Time to replace the 1st generation KF.

And from Steam and on Amazon. Seems they were ready for it.

Wonder if Ubi will do this with Far Cry 4.

I've been watching a stream of Rogue throughout the day and it has all the trappings of IV, just more of it. I'm kind of bummed they skipped bringing out to PS4/XB1 as I would almost pick that up instead of ACU.

Moss, Roy if you are listening, please send Fission One Internet. He has won it today.

My Christmas list started in September and ends on the 18th. And it has been glorious.

I pre-ordered mine from Best Buy after going all in with their $30 GCU deal they had a while back. I really hope it doesn't end up with the games arriving 2-3 days after everyone has started. It would make me regret dumping Amazon for them.

It might be easier to go forward from Rogue to Unity as the engine and the new mechanics change in Unity, whereas Rogue is like the ACB to Black Flag. You also have the graphical differences to contend with and it can be often harder to go back when the 'new' game doesn't look as good as the 'older' game (in terms of