Kasei Vallis

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I can speak to the over-powered combos of weapons in the series, though I specifically know of a few in BL2, there was definitely some amazing weapons in the first one. You mostly ran into those at the end-game in terms of player level and game+ mode where the pearlescent class weapons could drop. Now, if they were

Oddly enough, the last patch reduced the total footprint of the game.

Same. I played Infamous as a good guy and trying to keep from committing bystanders and imprisoned civvies added to the gameplay by forcing me to limit collateral damage and punishing me (by wiping out good karma bombs). I was hoping to have a more realistic take on the city and have civvies around instead of being

I really hope the frame rate can keep up. Running around Infamous is great but you don't run all that fast. In WD, the cars and larger world could make this very tough to pull off without knocking the details down on console.

I got the same vibe playing Infamous Second Son. I'm wondering when the canal between north and south Seattle is getting put in. If it's any consolation, they flattened Seattle whereas the real city is on a hill.

They could even start with a HD remaster of the PSP games. I'd be on board for that.

I've been wanting a full console Syphon Filter sequel since those half decent PSP games a few years back. Always surprised they didn't bother making a PS3 version.

The Original Faces of Death: 30th Anniversary Edition [DVD] ($8) | Amazon

I really wish Capcom had taken the time to make Strider cross-buy with the Vita. It was an awesome game. I held back from beating it to find the rest of the collectibles. I need to go back but man, too many games, too little time.

I'm dark-siding so much over this right now.

I'm dark-siding so hard right now over this.

I'd have bought this in a heartbeat, but I think once SD got a hold of it, half a heartbeat was all you got before they closed the loophole.

I could listen to H. Jon Benjamin—the voice of Sterling Archer and Bob Belcher—read just about anything, which is why I've watched this silly video three times already this morning.

Phil Owen is taking over? Good.

1. Thanks. Did not bother to check the trunks beforehand.

This reminds me, I need to lookup a fix for a PS3. My old BC unit died a while back with a disc in the drive. Not a YLoD, but it doesn't boot up.

Nice. It has a nice Warhammer 40K feel to it. Thanks for posting this.