Kasei Vallis

I stopped in and got two of the blu-ray sales for my kids. Now I get to play the waiting and watching game until I get to the next level and play "getting a new debit card".

I was thinking the same thing. It's been a few years since I had to deal with any CC related records, but iirc it has never been allowed to store those electronically.

I just wanted to say thank you for posting this. I was a little dismayed when I hooked it up and loaded Batman Origins and got no response whatsoever.

I really hope they fix this. The steam thread on it has tons of people affected as well.

Yeah, he'd been there many times before. When they plotted the deaths of the Legacy people in prison and when Walt put the hit on Jesse.

GAME NAME Prototype

This looks bizarre. Wonder how much has been explored in the multiplayer side of the game.

My first thought as well.

Go Niners.

FWIW, the code is now showing as invalid for me and everyone else who's tried it on the CAG thread. Wonder if it was a mistake to begin with or if the standard option will sufficient.

Amen to this. When I can get this on Android, please let us know Kotaku.

I've played the GoG version and it's not optimized very well. Frame rate is ugly, especially compared with how I remember it back in '99

GTA V's girl is in a bikini. It's just not shown in the cutout.

I like the Carbine a lot better than the MG. Higher damage output, higher accuracy. Playing on hard, it can take a lot of rounds from the MG to take out most enemies at anything other than point blank range.

so bad, soo good.

Thanks for posting this. I missed out on the earlier deal through GMG.

Now playing

Surprised that FC3 wasn't mentioned once in here. After it came up in the last thread, I played the whole thing through. So many good tracks there.

Now playing

Odd. I thought it fit the game pretty well, especially the whiny section about :45 in. The epilogue is a better example than the intro for this btw. It evokes a very alien vibe for me personally.

I think I need to revert to an older save game and turn the music back on. I had ditched it in favor or immersion. But this track is damn amazing.

I had first thought that this might have been Liquid after Shadow Moses as he lost an arm there. But that was his right arm.