Tom Brady and I love you too.
Tom Brady and I love you too.
I think the fact that Hulk Hogan’s “Real American” theme music was playing during that scene would make it even somehow more offensive.
Sadly, everyone that stars your post is a hipster :(
This is not an argument you will even have a shot in for like 5 more years. Try not shitting out in the playoffs with the best team in football every other year. Aaron Rodgers is a choke artist, and it’s a shame because he seems like a good guy.
Which was in 1993.
The only one who gets a pass on that are guys who were old enough to only ever see dallas and pittsburgh tv because there were only 3 stations. Everyone is stuck with who they got. I’ll stick with my multiple time cheating multiple time world champion team over rooting for Cleveland any day. It’s when you cheat and…
I’ve been hearing that since 2003. Along with “Brady is going to the 49ers because that was his team growing up”. Keep dreaming.
In fairness, Bridget pulled the goalie on him.
Except that all ours came in the salary cap era, considerably more difficult. And stop it. Pittsburg invented NFL steroid use.
You can’t have good guys without bad guys. And we make awesome, awesome bad guys. Shit man, even the cobra kai had their parents cheering for them.
Gawker media in general
Put that * next to the seahawks #12. They shouldn’t be allowed to sell that should be retired by the entire league in honor of Glorious Thomas Edward Brady.
I’m fine with Eli’s rings. In fact I think Bill let the Giants win those games simply so Eli would have more rings than big brother, and get to show them off every year at holidays.
One for each of Brady’s concubines that bore his precious children unto the earth. Amen.
Yeah usually Reddit is their go to.
That’s not even a close comparison. Don’t worry though. I’m sure your favorite team is completely clean. go find out.
I don’t see him dropping that title any time soon.
Take another look at the picture. He might be enticed to invite her......somehow.