
That’s kofi kingston. Look up “best of kofi kingston”. Seriously..like now. You’re welcome.

Four Superbowls motherfucker. Four.

And I was totally right.

The guy in the comments below who hopes the boy repented before he died is worse I think.

“He was very instinctive...”

Texas has oil to fall back on. You're more like Alabama.

We welcome you to Rocket League!

Colts fans, after years of taking Tom Brady’s nuts to the face, were well prepared for the incident, and no lives were lost.

Wow....that’s a hell of a point. I guess I didn’t think of that..we’re gonna have some pretty solid data on this over the next few months.

Cool. Take some of your evidence and give it to the NFL, because they clearly didn’t have enough to win in real court.

It would be even sadder if someone who roots for Pete Carroll called anyone else a cheater.

That’s good to hear. I didn’t think I’d have time to tell the whole internet to kiss my shithole before my fantasy draft tonight.

I’m smiling over the death of a moron. The fact that this person won’t be reproducing is only positive for our country and planet. Let’s count our blessings and be thankful he didn’t suffer.

A scene from the offices of Gawker media:

That is because you are not retarded.

I see his logic. Why spend money on another top 5 pick to watch them get slowly executed behind that line?

You just made way too many good points for Jezebel.

Me too homie. I had to check that twice before I hit send...it just sounds wrong and I have no fucking clue what it means.

I feel like he really lacked putting his feet to the spinners, like his dad said.