
The actually there is one experience....I don't spend 10 hours a day on Jezebel and tumblr crying about my feels and how I can't even. Trannies should try that.

For a movie about pre transition? No I think they should stick with the normal person.

You seem to have convinced yourself that Kane totally raped her without having any evidence....so what’s wrong with someone taking the opposite opinion? I don’t know if you remember, but last time gawker media (and rolling stone) decided someone was definitely totally a rapist, that person turned out to not even

That’s amazing. I cannot believe I’ve never seen that. Also...holy shit pro athletes. That was one lazy ass swing and he still hit it a lot further than most of us could if we were swinging with all our might.

Yet here you are on a gawker media site, that publicly outed a gay person and you're still giving this company your internet clicks. What a good social justice warrior you are.

Yeah! You guys only sit with people who out gay people for no reason! So much better!!!

Pre season hasn’t even started yet....and you gave up your one decent o-line man. Don't count your chickens just yet. Maybe the virgin mother should have given up about 5 mil a year to protect his blind side.

Well, hopefully you die next and someone can point out some things you said that fell out of date as time passed. Get fucked.

That’s a woman?...scrolls back up....Wow.

Heels almost always want he main event of Summerslam....but I agree. And he probably takes it back at night of champions.

See those little retarded kids in the front row wearing 115$ worth of Cena gear? Their parents spend a LOT more on John Cena gear and tickets than you do. Economics man.

Stop it. Retard is a great, expressive word that is rarely (anymore) used to describe someone with a mental handicap. For example: “Someone who thinks certain words should be banned is a fucking retard.”

I agree with you right up until that last part. Seth Rollins is a star. Daniel Bryan is a star. (Bad luck there) Bray Wyatt is a star. Dean Ambrose is a star, and (as much as we fight it) Roman Reigns is going to be right there weather we want it or not. Throw CM Chunk into the picture (sorry Kev...only Yokozuna gets

So a couple years ago the laser thing came up. To see how bad it was, I brought my cat’s laser pointer and had my girlfriend pass it over my eyes a couple times while I was warming up. HOLY SHIT the ball disappears and its fucking terrifying.

Next I suppose you’ll call these guys athletes.

I grew up in Portland, but I finally had to leave a couple years ago. Literally 5x my income, for the same work. Maine is a really, really bad place if you have your sights set any higher than 40k a year. Don't get me wrong, it's it, but there is a really good reason young people leave in droves every year.

Remember when Jezebel definitely determined that guy was definitely a rapist because rolling stone said so? And then remember how the girl turned out to be a liar and the guy didn’t even exist? The bloggers reacted the same way. These peoe are gross. I think lawsuits (hulk hogan’s suit in particular) will end this

Goddamn annoying tides.

Seriously...stop it. You sound ridiculous.

Like getting Tess monster out of the buffet line. Nothing can be done.