
Look at the picture of Tim Burke. That is somehow only half as “obnoxious hipster” as Sean Newell was.

Children children...your comments won’t be taken seriously on Jezebel until you EAT MANY CASES of donuts. Just licking one will get you nowhere.

There are only 9 divas...and only 5 belong on tv. If you had female tag titles it'd mean 35% of the division held championships

One of the best women's wrestlers. She's not cracking the top 25 for men.

As well as the couch in her house.

Right on all counts. I just very much doubt any mls player cares to be in this parade.

I assure you none of those male players want to be on that float.

You do realize the judge is a woman right?

Wow...way to be intolerant and crazy.

Something made up by the clams here at Lezabel.

That's kinda the beauty of this country. You are free to go at any time.

Says the person with “techno” in their screen name.

Call me when they bring in the revenue to earn it. Considering the wwc makes close to 150x less than then men's I'd say they should be thankful for what they get

Soccer views are measured globally.

I was making fun of Kendall Jenner. Your reading comprehension is poor.

Every time Nintendo releases an amiibo, a little joy lights up inside of me, because I’ll get to see a kotaku article where you nerds have to add up how much it’s going to cost you to get Bowser in a dominatrix outfit. BTW my Mega Man is open and my Yoshi has a scratch on it I think. Thankfully I’m not insane, and I

She looks like Arya Stark... if Arya had downs syndrome and an eating disorder.

For anyone who has not looked up soaking. Head on over to google and prepare yourself for a good laugh.

I would be fucking paralyzed if I took a fall like that now.

I think if this goes to court this guy walks. I mean, you shouldn’t hit girls ever, obviously. However, a jury will see a video of a girl going to hit a guy, him grabbing the arm to prevent the hit, girl strikes guy, guy strikes back. While he didn’t “need” to hit her, it’s pretty basic self defense. This is also in