Hey...trigger warning...calm down. If tumblr is down I'm sure it'll be working later.
They never said she was a virgin. Keep your fetishes to yourself please.
Man and woman are not outdated terms. Seriously, go outside. Tumblr will be there when you get back.
The best part of your post is how you act like Gawker media message boards are some sort of bastion of intelligence compared to reddit.
Hey...trigger warning...grow up.
Well I suppose that would be slightly more favorable?
Or you know...promote healthy living. That woman in the back left is dead before 50 if she stays that size.
No but if they put the money in U.S. Banks...that's another story.
There is nothing I want more in this world than to tell a small child that they're not a real nigga.
They could feed all of Western Africa with all of those cornrows.
That woman is not voluptuous....she is morbidly obese.
Ex Girlfriends are like a box of chocolates.....they’ll kill your dog.
She’s a thousand year old woman who is taking this WAY better than 99% of people in her age group would. This woman was around before the great depression, I value her opinion on ANYTHING far more than your short sighted bullshit. Go outside Tumblrina.
Caitlin Jenner has better female features than she does.
If you want to give to the Red Cross, give $. They come to my workplace monthly, and a few months back, upon needle insertion, one of my coworkers lost the use of his right arm. That release form you sign before giving blood apparently absolves the Red Cross of any liability in such situations. Coworker used to be a…
If you’re from Europe, technically your closest team would be the Patriots. Welcome to the family. Your Tom Brady jersey is in the mail!
The truth...it can hurt.