There was an actual blind guy who played zelda on 64 on youtube too I remember.
There was an actual blind guy who played zelda on 64 on youtube too I remember.
What you gain in dark souls isn't just souls, you gain experience so you play better. Putting up souls as a penalty is so you focus because the stakes are high. There are loads of things in Dark Souls you DON'T lose you also keep anything purchased with souls which is a way to make sure you don't lose as much. Also…
It sounds like what they are making could be used for games other than LoL I hope they do something like licence its use for other games or have this special network available for a subscription. They could make their money back directly from the network and it could do a LOT of good for online gaming as a whole. I…
Theres some of that but for this particular game when its in 3D it means the can use 3D PHYSICS ENGINES. This means shadow effects, lighting effects for something like a projectile. Pretty cool since a spark could dynamically refract its colors and lights around a character OR it could be a certain time of day in the…
I can understand the sentiment, but whats with "this is how street fighter should look" and "I want to play street fighter looking as good as this". It just strikes me a bit odd. Its not 1991 there are lots of other fighting games out there. What about the game at hand? Guilty Gear Xrd already looks like this no need…
This sounds like a overblown stereotype of a celebrity with a horrible personality rather than particular things that happened to Lindsay herself. If she wants to sue saying that her likeness was used then she is admitting her personality is as horrible as this parody of this archetype? lol.
Thats because Dark Souls is better than this lol.
That game would be just one card and when you flip it over it says "you died". loool
This incident is less about games and more about things kids will inevitably do if a gun is just lying around. Kids also seem to have a talent for picking the items/things/words that they shouldn't be using/saying. This has nothing to do with games at all.
They could also uh, you know try actually smiling instead lool.
I think the show tackles some complex feelings that some people go through when unpopular. The self-defense mechanism of being smug in your own mind. Scorning others when not included in their activities by saying things like they are "mainstream". And all the while wishing to be included in normal social groups. Its…
Why is it such big news that they will do it normal way as oppose to F2P. Both approaches are valid. F2P isn't really free, they give you the bare minimum and then gouge out everything that can possibly be charged for. Either way is superior, you either want to open up all content for everyone or give everyone a game…
This just makes an innocent bathing suit look like they are naked or have a nip slip or something lol.
lol from the x-ray they IMMEDIATELY recognized it as a turtle. loool.
While the Japanese version could of had more explanation and gameplay footage, the U.S. one makes the game look like a war simulator lol.
This is the case of successful anime in the past having similar "cutsy" voices etc. so when a product comes out they find the areas that can follow things that worked in the past. Similar kinds of voices, use of same voice actors. This also applies to plots, art styles, anything really. Its why we get wave after wave…
Well if she was just laying on her stomach for a long time, could of happened if she slept on her stomach too but anyway. Anyway, unless I'm in a chair I wouldn't be able to stay in 1 pose while gaming for that long. I can imagine she may of plopped down on the bed though initially.
omg I thought she was involved in both games I didn't realize they just used her likeness :/
I found the character more of a "little kid" than a white person trying to be black. Some phrases and jokes are thrown in here and there but nothing I found offensive and it being racist didn't even cross my mind. I'd say this was by far the most entertaining character in the entire game, no wonder she's getting her…