I don't care about ascended gear, therefore I don't grind. Simple enough.
I don't care about ascended gear, therefore I don't grind. Simple enough.
With jeans, the difference between a great pair that fits perfectly and a mediocre pair is often just wear. The best jeans I have ever owned, so nicely fitting and soft and perfect, sadly developed a bigger hole than I wanted to deal with. That style had been discontinued, but I found a NOS pair of them in the same…
I saw a mudcrab the other day. I steered well clear of it.
Pick up Start8 for $5, or some similar but not-as-good software for free. Tweak configuration settings to make sure the Metro UI never appears. Install software or set "open with" settings on file associations so none of the Metro apps run for any reason. Turn off UAC. Voila, all the awful has been solved and it's…
With a few tweaks, this would actually look pretty good.
I dunno, I still think I would prefer Gandalf's staff. With a light. Including a regular finding your way in the dark setting, an "I will risk a little more light" setting and a "BLIND ALL THE ORCS!!" setting.
I am certainly less attracted to shooters than I once was. Partially it's because of things like this, though I agree that video games do not lead to real-world violence.
We are not at war with Pakistan.
Gabe Newell specifically gave permission. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/120087-Guillermo-del-Toro-Has-GlaDOS-On-Board-for-Sci-Fi-Movie
Borderlands 2 gets my vote. "Dam Top" actually made that whole area more difficult for me because of the panic it helped to induce as it blended with the sound of the loaders. Elsewhere, it really lends a space cowboy theme to the whole setting.
"Control every aspect of our lives?" That's why Democrats are anti-gay, anti-abortion, and want to force science teachers to teach religion. Oh, wait, that just may have been the other big party.
Perfect, I've always needed a 40 pound lantern based on a dead battery from an appliance that has burned out violently and released toxic fumes into the office. Great idea!
Our house has a rather large walk-in closet with eight (!!!) power outlets in it, but has no light or ventilation. The master bedroom itself only has three. For a while we had thought if my company goes to a work-at-home system I'd use it as an office.
T-Mo customer service beats AT&T's every day of the week. Call quality is fantastic. Reliability is fantastic. Speed (if you happen to be within 4G coverage) is awesomely fantastic. And their phone selection is pretty great if you don't care about Apple, and I don't.
Imagine how much better this would be without LCD Soundsystem.
Normally I would say, disrupting communications as part of a larger operation makes a lot of sense. But given how networks tend to get overloaded for a while during natural disasters and other events anyway, I don't think this would really have much of an effect.
Most *gamers* are not 17 year olds with Call of Duty obsessions either, Captain Stereotype.
I saw we nuke the plane from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
My 11 year old car has a CD player in it with no aux input, and I haven't replaced it. And some musicians still only release things on CD.
There was one, yeah. I was in the next-to-last stage of the Svanir's Dome event when it hit, and people cheered despite the timing preventing us from actually finishing. Couldn't get back online right away so I let it download this morning.