
Hey, I cannot find your second article on groupthink, the one about the tweets. Have you deleted it or should we start conspiracy theorizing ?

I might not be christian, but isn't this offensive ?

Yeah, my dog gives me a horribly betrayed look when I wash his ears, he would not appreciate a costume - and it would last about 2 minutes, because he'd wiggle out and destroy it, he's pretty big and strong, we had to stop buying him toys at 6 months, he destroys anything that's not a bone, even the "extra-tough"

The epic battles in my home are dog versus roomba. But since I started congratulating the roomba on its behaviour (good roomba !!), my dog stopped attacking it. I just look really stupid encouraging the vacuum cleaner.

That's probably because he knows his wife doesn't take shit. If someone unsuspectingly insults Arabs in front of me, I can very well imagine my husband go : oh, this is gonna be good. And step in if he feels like I'm threatened. It's just a good team.

Cool ! I personnally intend to adopt a little american orphan after one of the mega-mass shootings that happen so often over there. I hear they'll be all the rage in 20 years !

I wanted to add that it's really awful of your family to not have supported your sister. That's really not what I'm advocating there.

Maybe it's easier to start hating someone you love when they hurt someone you love more ? I have no idea how I would react if someone I loved turned out to do these horrible things, but I do usually cut some slack to criminals' families because I think it's very human to love your brother/son/mom no matter what.

It's gorgeous ! Mine was a cheap version of this kind of dress with a black silk belt. And it had a train, you guys. but it was not pver the top at all, especially sans veil. I wish I could wear it every week.

I'm late on the wagon, but I feel like there's something I should say. I do not always grasp completely trans* issues, but to believe playing a role is better than having no privilege strikes me as at best insensitive. I'm a p.o.c. with intense skin privilege. I look white, I sound european, my first name doesn't give

This is a joyous occasion, like any birth, but it also reminds everyone in the commonwealth who thinks the monarchy is an outdated deeply andnoutrageously unfair class system that we still pay taxes for those people to live - in a much grander way that the first nations their ancestors disenfranchized everywhere - and

This is important. Thank you for putting it in the spotlight.

Lindy, I hate to be the one to tell you, but... You kinda suck at being an mra.

I once left for only 2 days and my dog was going crazy when I came back. My husband says he had just gone to the window and sat at the door and waited. And in the morning, he'd sit down the stairs with his little head tilted, as if to say why isn't she coming down with you. I think that's when I got that this a

No one can get it before having a dog. My husband begged and begged for one and I finally gave in. It's been 6 months and it took me 2 weeks to not be ready to give him up, 3 weeks to feel like I would have gone and got him, and now, I feel like he's always been in my life with his goofiness and his total

Dude, we have pur own assholes *cough*doncherry*cough. But they're not as obvious about it, that's true

Ok, good. Since there are a bunch, and you seem behind almost all of them, it's confusing at times. Thanks for clearing that up for me !

Thanks ! I was getting pretty confused.

Are all the Fishnets handles yours ? I'm mystified.

You know, but don't make any big decisions in the 2 years following a death in the family. It fucks with your head too much.