
One of the most valuable takeaways from my college career was several years after I graduated, the soon-to-be-retiring college president wrote an essay for the new incoming students about why a liberal arts degree was important, regardless of your major or career path. It was all about critical thinking, the ability

Sassy? Blind to labels on love, race, and gender?

It was almost like some attempt at a sexy chicken dance.

Instead of “new guy,” call him your “upgrade.” He sounds like an upgrade in every way. :)

People who get angry about vegetarian food are so mystifying to me. I am not a vegetarian but I regularly eat at a vegan restaurant in my neighborhood because it is delicious! Just because you can’t have a steak doesn’t mean you’re starving, really.

I want to get in on this racket of making a career out of promoting common sense things people have known forever.

Were a lot of the comments on Eric’s “Being Poor Is Too Expensive” post the inspiration for this? Because there’s plenty of actual proof of this theory in the comments on that, not that I’d recommend reading them.

Nine West is one of those brands that is so weird and unpredictable. I’ve gotten shoes there that fit like a charm and were perfect, and then other shoes, same size, that like never fit properly.

I am a total pain in the ass when it comes to this new “long wear” lipstick trend, because I hate 98% of it. I don’t care about my lipstick lasting 12 hours if it means my lips feel like they’re about to shrivel up & fall off my face. I’d rather a hydrating lipstick that might end with a few instances of feathering

last time I ordered highly discounted nine west shoes they were literally not made for a human foot

People forget that the shoes and the road may be the same, but the feet aren’t. No two people are the same and the inherent and learned emotional, mental, and physical strengths they possess will vary.

He’s not conventionally attractive, though. Which is totally fine - there are guys who aren’t ‘conventionally’ attractive that I think are hot as hell (I have friends who think I’m nuts for thinking Jeremy Renner is sex on a stick). But that’s the point the doc is trying to make.

Serge Gainsbourg

There are a lot of people out there that think any attention given to a woman, positive or negative, should flatter them. Obviously those people have never been stalked or harrassed.

I broke up with a friend who, as I was crying from being exhausted by the sexual harassment I was receiving in a muslim country on vacation, told me “you should be happy you’re getting attention, no one is even paying attention to me”. Fuck her and her fucking face.

After traveling to Asia this summer, I’ve come to realize just how awful Americans are. The US culture holds pure disgust for the poor. It’s an embarrassment to be poor and you should EXPECT to be shat-upon by everyone because “if you’re poor, it’s your own damn fault.” (Many of the comments on this article prove this

I agree with this. The Metro in DC is designed to get middle and upper income people to the city from the outlying suburbs. It totally sucks at this and serving lower income people inside the city.


“The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.

Honestly I didn’t realize this was a man at first, I just thought it was funny because it’s true. I think you’re projecting too much into it.