
I tried the Razer MMO mouse before the Logitech, and it crapped out after a year of use. I took it apart and used some hot glue for a temporary repair, but it was obvious I was going to have to do this every month or two to keep it working, but the Logitech is going on 2 years with zero problems or sign of wear and

I tried the Razer MMO mouse before the Logitech, and it crapped out after a year of use. I took it apart and used

Logitech G600 imo. More buttons than you'd ever need, their software works great (zero problems), easy mapping, and comfortable for smaller hands.

Logitech G600 imo. More buttons than you'd ever need, their software works great (zero problems), easy mapping, and

If you have the CPU for it, Planetside 2 is great fun!

Michael Bay : Ladies and Gentleman, I present to you the new Casey Jones!

It's likely that probation will entail restriction and monitoring of his access to tech.

I'm not into animes so I wouldn't know, but maybe you should put in a "in my opinion", or else you'll most likely get a loooot of responses from people who do think the anime is very good. :)

Reminds me of when I was a kid, in the 70s, when neighborhood dogs roamed loose... my single-mother mom wanted to help out the single-mother-with-four-wild-teenage-sons across the street, so my mom took the woman's horribly shaggy matted and dirty shi tzu / yorkie mix to the groomer. The plan was to let it loose

I hate to be that guy....but this seems a bit cruel

I would have preferred that they stick with the D-pad as digital keyboard inputs do not translate well to analog sticks. the previous version of the controller was perfect.

Not only don't they stop fan games, in the case of Street Fighter X Mega Man they helped him complete it and officially distributed it.

Saying that the current global warming trend is natural because the Earth has warmed naturally in the past is the same as saying a corpse with a knife stuck in the back must have died of natural causes because people have died of natural causes in the past.

We are well aware of the fact. But unlike People That Think Thousands of Years of Burning the Shit We Dig Up Out of the Ground, Building Massive Cities, Clear-Cutting Old Growth Forests, Polluting the Air We Breathe and Using Environmentally Detrimental Agricultural Practices Is Having No Effect on the Earth's Fragile

and I'm pretty sure that you don't know shit about climate change.

And I'm pretty certain that the thousands of scientists who have studied the matter do in fact understand this, but are not so intellectually deficient as to believe that this disproves anthropogenic climate change.

One more WoW troll tactic I remember pulling off. It's been years and the details are a bit fuzzy, but it went something like this...

Mandatory retests every 5 years for everyone. Then every 2 years over 65.

Navi would be voiced by Aaron Paul. "Hey! Listen, Bitch!"