
1stly- I don’t hate Nintendo. The last time I was playing a Nintendo console was with friends, Mario Party in N64 right at New Year’s Eve. I’m willing to play any new stuff from the company.

You’re a terrible person

So you’re saying passing on a double yellow justifies attempted murder? Go fuck yourself.

Gosh I almost want to star this comment for the ending but I can’t get past the victim blaming and calling the driver of the car an idiot when the proper term is psychopath.

If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.

The driver should be charged with attempted murder - but because he “only” hit a motorcycle, he won’t be.

WoD was $50

Rob beat me to it, but I suspect that at least 50% of the shots that I figured were Gaustin or a double in the costume were actually CGI. And that’s pretty impressive for a CW show.

Maybe he’s a Fire Truther.

You see, there are these things call embers and sparks. They are produced when a solid fuel heats up and explodes. The road itself doesn’t burn, but it doesn’t act like some magical barrier that the fire can’t cross. In case you’re wondering, I’m being condescending because I too wonder if you are really that stupid.

Both *are* flammable. The reason it occurs is because the heat so intense that it causes it to catch fire. It’s to do with the heat and amount of oxygen available.

The wording may (and is apparently) confusing you. When a fire jumps something, it means it crosses over the barrier to where there is more fuel. Wind a wind, fires can jump really big distances.

Only to stupid people.

Are you really that stupid?

Get rid of everything after and including “&refid=” and the link still works.

In the comments of a nearly two year old post I find the dream cyborg sloth toy of my childhood.

If they really were fans, they would’ve given back what was rightfully the property of Oculus. URL squatters are only in it for the money.