
These are real heroes, guys. People that don't film in portrait mode.

When you're in the mid-to-late 30s, 19 years-old is a kid. Hell, 20 years-old is a kid.

I like Forza, it was struck a good balance between arcade and simulator. Spent too many hours playing Forza 3. As far as Microsoft and the PC market, they're missing out on a huge market. They tested the waters with Alan Wake and that was profitable within 2 hours. I don't know if its the fact that they're worried

My guess is because Mr. Stark went through all the trouble to make those amazing flying weapons easily accessible to him and it'd be rude not to kill all the humans with them. And Ultron is many things but lacking in decorum is not one of them.

"I took what you had and made it better, you're obsolete."

Hate itself is a human concept, or better yet a biological response.

As one of the young people your brand is supposed to be marketing to (23 with an enthusiast twist) I really like the iM for many of the same reasons I liked the Vibe, err Matrix. But it needs more than the 13xHP the Corolla has in order for me to purchase. Even if you don't go full hot hatch, the 170-180 HP range

It must be such a relief to see something black on the floor in Chicago that isn't Derrick Rose.

And next we can tackle the worlds religious people!

North Korea fought America and won without firing a single shot.

He thinks his way of describing the creation of the Earth is the only one with enough basis in fact to be worth considering in the contemporary moment, and he is right. If new scientific discoveries were published tomorrow that changed that, he'd change his views too. Even if that scientific discovery proved the

Bill never took a stand for or against God. He merely explained what is and what has happened. This isn't about how things could have been created, it's a description of what we've actually observed.

The short answer is flat out "no."

So Android is better than iOS. Wow, what a surprise.

Giant concrete housing blocks are ugly, but hardly dumb and stupid if they're practical. Martial law - if it is dumb and stupid, it is not practical. If it is necessary, the situation that made it necessary may be dumb and stupid, but not the law.

If they are practical, why are they dumb and stupid? And why would you want to kill off something that is practical?

They did say why the lowered realm populations: to try to mitigate the effects of the DDOS attack they'd been undergoing.

I can't edit the original but to be clear I'm not advocating that the leak was okay, just that this kind of a reaction is unwarranted and abusive of laws I strongly object to. It's a leak, the person who posted it didn't pirate the movie for sale.

I object to the very idea that they would react this way. It's an overreaction and though I may not agree with the leak itself, I'm strongly against laws that allow corporations unfettered access to personal information and anyone that uses those laws.