
Hmmm. That is a thought. I will run it up the flagpole so to speak.

Nice review. I have a general question to ask. Have you ever considered adopting the review box Kotaku normally uses for video games to also work with anime? You could say Studio instead of Developer, how to watch instead of platform, and your favorite and least favorite parts. I think it would fit quite well, and

VLC encountered a problem with Windows

I saw it as Superman being untested and untrained and making a spur of the moment decision to kill Zod or let those civilians die. I hope the next movie explores him trying to better himself because of that.

well I'm on the episode where... SPOILER

If you're not looking at the screen half the time, you're doing it wrong regardless.

So you are ok with Apple but have serious problems with Microsoft?

I didn't bother with a translation, I just cheerily read the page in the Muppet chef's voice. I'm much happier now.

Love it! I got my first miata Monday.

If I recall correctly, Digital Extremes had one of their fictional characters do the challenge due to a fan asking and nominated Destiny, Borderlands, and Halo.

What if someone host a torrent for pirate copy of the bible?


Holding someone accountable for their words is not childish. Attempting to turn that around on the person holding you accountable, however...

Get out of here with your kids-these-days-rassum-frassum-IRC-BBS-Slashdot nonsense

That's the problem: words do have meaning. Calling someone 'adorable' for showing enthusiasm is pretty demeaning. Rob's a grown man, not a naive child.

Commenter says something negative, other commenter tells him to not shit on subject matter, commenter tells him it's his fault for having a delicate constitution.

This is not out there. This is io9. Learn the culture here.

Do you really feel the need to shit on people's enthusiasm like that? If so, io9 is not the place for you. Go find your home somewhere else on the Internet, guy.

Thank you: Post has been updated.