Now playing

Cut to 8:10, or don't, the video is pretty rad.


I thought your mother grounded you from using the internet???

Not everyone here visits reddit.

I don't visit Reddit ever so I appreciate the post because it's something I would have missed out on potentially. Can we just be nice and not be an asshat?

Which would be fine, except you aren't the only person in existence. And they cannot make the assumption that their entire readership also visits Reddit. I certainly don't.

I personally find it very comfortable, but my hands took a couple days to get used to it. The analogue sticks are smaller and made of a harder material than DS3 (but are very accurate), but the face buttons and D-pad are roughly the same (although require less force and distance to actuate). It holds very comfortably

It amuses me how people here complain about the music on the video.
For me the music sounds like contemporary indie music from USA.

Not really a stretch, Deathstroke is a villain (and occasional hero) in DC, so it won't be a surprise if he and Ollie did come to blows in the island. The question is, what will the circumstance be for that to happen? Or better yet, is that Slade Wilson's mask to begin with?

Jenn Lee, I'm sorry I can't actually listen to anything coming out of your mouth. Because all I can think about is that poor poodle that had to die, to make your haircut.

RIP Fifi...

I really wanted to punch the guy, but I know how to hold myself back. I really don't want to put a bad example when around my daughter (Don't drink or anything like that when I'm around her.)

Yo, Ho haul together, hoist the colours highHeave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we dieYo, Ho haul together, hoist the colours highHeave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die

I suppose this would be a good opportunity for you to learn about Hong Kong and it's rather colorful history...

Now playing

Naw, this is what you really need. Total cost: $0.50-$1.50. Depends on what comes in the can.

So what you're saying is that reality is... sans Sarif?

Nomination: Logitech G510/G510S

Why can't we just do something totally and completely new. After Archer, Kirk, Picard, Janeway and Sisko. Please?

Holy crap dude

The republican party of Lincoln is not the republican party that exist today you twit.