
Not looking to start an argument here or anything, but not every dog is miserable at the groomer. One of our (6) rescue dogs is a purebred Yorkie. Her previous "people" did literally nothing to take care of her. She was locked in a small carrier for months on end while being fed scraps here and there through the

Having an analog in addition to the track pad seems redundant. Personally, (and I might be the only one) I would have preferred they gone with a D-Pad, or even the button concept they had before. I can't imagine using a clicky track pad to play a game like Mega Man or Blazblue. If this is what they end up offering,

I've always wondered, Mario is a few inches shorter than Princess Toadstool, but here he holding a mushroom, so does that mean he is Super Mario? If that's the case, than he would be just a little taller than Toad normally, which would make him, err.. The perfect height for the Princess's Peach?

I'm actually really excited for this. I've always been a pauper in Wow, despite 10 years and a dozen 90+ characters. I imagine there will be a premium, and like Wildstar's C.R.E.D.D. will cost $20, which I will gladly pay if I can sell for over 50K Gold.

I understand protecting an IP, but I wish more companies would (I can't believe I'm saying this) be more like Capcom. They really have no intention of doing anything with Mega Man for the foreseeable future, so they haven't done anything to prevent games like Mega Man Unlimited or Mega Man X: Corrupted.

You're right, and when the day comes that I need to give up my license, I'll fight it tooth and nail. But I would rather have the state strip it away from be because I'm an unfit driver than run a bus load of 2nd graders off the road.

Seems to be missing something here..

I swear, if we end up with another Bush as president, I'm outta here. I recently discovered Walkers Roast Chicken crisps at a little British hole in the wall place a couple weeks ago, and that should be reason enough to find a new home..

Can anyone who has experienced this first hand shop this image into a close approximation to what you saw?

In this situation, the "M" must stand for Meaningless. If it doesn't have 3 pedals, it isn't a manual.

I like to use torrents as a sort of modern day shareware for games I want to try. Most of the time if a game is under $20, I'll just take the dive and buy it. But if its a AAA title, and I'm not sure about it, I'll torrent the whole damn thing and play it for a couple hours. If I like it I'll buy it on Steam or

I am ready.

Brief history of the song.

Neutral: How Much Did You Pay For Your Last New Car? When was it?

Doesn't really look all that fast.. Then again, my civic can't run mid 12s or haul furniture.

Maybe a loaded RS will come in around there, but I'm guessing Ford is going to shoot for a $32k - $35k base model stateside. Kinda breaks my heart because that puts it well out of my reach, but it does give me some great motivation to find a better job.

According to this chart, whoever she gets with will be treading into the danger zone