
Toyota is brilliant... at making cars that look fast.

I just want a way to scale my level down temporarily to be able to play with friends and family that haven't been playing for 10 years. So many others do it so well..

Not many things on the internet actually make me laugh out loud. Thank you for this.

I can't find a reference for this, but I seem to remember when Tetra Vaal came out all those years ago, Blomkamp cited Appleseed as one of his inspirations. Of course, the last decade hasn't been kind to my memory, so who knows if that's correct?

I undeleted a rogue that I abandoned year or two ago. He was 73 when I brought him back (my last non 90 class) and discovered I could solo BC heroic dungeons. I leveled twice farming rep for transmog gear. So far, I really like the stat squish.

Rangiku Marge is pretty hot...

My favorite change however, is the implementation of the new character models. Well, most of the new character models. The undead and blood elves are going to have to wait. My new human rogue looks pretty darn dashing.

Mr. InverseUltimate, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points,

Nope, sorry. I don't buy it. When was the last time you played a game of this genre that just gave you free currency? It just doesn't happen. You always have to watch an add, or spend real cash. Kid either knew what he was doing, shouldn't be trusted with credit cards, or (most likely) both.

Not a huge surprise considering the Kett proving grounds are outside of Phoenix. My dad had a job there nearly a decade ago where he got to test also sorts of neat Audi and VW toys. (including a twin turbo Rabbit)

Dude.... That's not a spoiler at all, so don't worry.

With a micro usb cable, the DS4 essentially runs as a wired controller. I used mine for several months that way before I found my bluetooth dongle. I would imagine the Xbone controller works the same, but I've been so happy with my DS4 (along with DS4 Tool) that I haven't picked one up yet, so I can't say for sure.

You have to be able to laugh at pain. If you can't, you might as well just give up.

Meanwhile, replacing the deck motor on PRHT is at least that expensive, though often more.

With the graphics maxed out, the game looks pretty incredible. Shadows are fantastic, but what really blew me away were the wet clothes / hair shaders when it rains, or you walk through shallow water.

Ok, stupid question time. If I understand correctly, using Hangouts Dialer, I can make phone calls using my old google voice number, right? And those are VoIP calls. So if I'm not connected to WiFi, it's going to use my 4G data, which I have a limit on. Any idea how much data that's going to use?

I'm not doubting either one of you is right, but when Chrome translated the page you linked, it gave me this.

Its like someone crossed a Miata with a Ferrari, then inflated it to 6x the recommended PSI.

Damn.. Right in the feels.

Meanwhile, my 15 mbps connection still drops to under 1 between the hours of 5 PM and 12 AM.