
Nice save.

When I lived in Texas, we had to have front plates, but the law was worded in such a way that there was a bit of a loop hole. It was stated that a plate must be mounted and visible from the front of the car, so I bought some cheap suction cups and stuck it on the inside of my passenger windshield. I did get pulled

I actually want that Razer Gauntlet to be real.

And since I can't find my first response to edit, (damn you, comment system!) I'll add this:

Never donate more than you can afford to loose. Assume that when you give money on kickstarter, you won't see a product or your cash ever again. If you do, then awesome.

In an interview at the time, Mercury Steam's Dave Cox told Edge, "We needed to make a change, so we did. The Castlevania series wasn't going anywhere, sales were dwindling and it was appealing only to a very small, hardcore fanbase. That's how franchises die... We have to take these risks if Castlevania is to survive,

When I first heard of minecraft, I thought it was stupid. But after a few months, I decided to give it a try. While it didn't blow me away, I thought it was neat, though I wished it was a little prettier. Then I heard about Patterns. So I picked that up, but was a bit disappointed with the game overall. Then alone

Couldn't help but notice 90% of the articles on the front page of the mobile site don't have images with their headline anymore. Was this intentional?

Cool video, but I couldn't stop watching the girl in the strapless number pull her top back up.

Stop what you're doing. Go play X1, X2, and X3.

Hehe, guarding his toy..

I didn't know Joan Rivers was in DmC...

I have a 2010 R3 with Bluetooth. I spent 45 minutes trying to figure out why I couldn't stream music over it before I googled it. Now I use my old Bluetooth / FM transmitter I bought for my Miata. >_<

I've been using XPadder for years, and love it, but I've gotten curious about Pinnacle in recent times. You see, I bought Terraria on a Steam sale a while ago, but I really hate the whole keyboard/mouse controls for platformers. I tried to set XPadder to use the right analog as mouse movement, but to constrain it to

Well, at least I'm not hungry anymore.

Reminds me of this.

Adblock+ Incognito Window?

You don't have to buy them. They come free with the game. The trick is finding them....