
I'm going out on a limb here, and yeah, you're probably 100% right and they got it wrong in the movie, but...

Because we all spend most of the day reading reddit like you do.

Because the majority of people that watch superhero shows / movies or read superhero comics are guys, and the majority of guys like boobs.

Unlike most others, I actually enjoyed the song. To each his own. :)

I'm probably just splitting hairs here, but if all the chips are storing the energy they need, would it still count as a battery, and not just part of the chip?

At first, I thought you had completely missed the point of the article. However, I agree with you 100% about the license thing. In fact, I have long felt that ALL vehicles should be put into a classification system based on weight, power, and drivetrain, and people's licenses should have endorsements that reflect

I'm not familiar with the comics, and may be a stretch but..

I have no idea how that slipped by my radar, but thanks for posting. Game looks amazing.

At the end, she says "fill their time with the things you want them to mimic and imitate versus kinda giving up that time and sitting them in front of a game."

At the end, she says "fill their time with the things you want them to mimic and imitate versus kinda giving up that time and sitting them in front of a game."

Yup. This scene scarred me for many years. Its kinda funny though. These days, I think one of the most fascinating fields of research are robotic prosthetics, and the future cyberization of mankind.

You handled that a LOT better than I would have. Honestly, I think if it had gone beyond, "Hey kid, nice shirt," there would have been issues.

I've been unpacking some boxes recently, and was shocked when I found some zip disks from 1996 that still have their data intact.

I'm not sure when or why I would need something like this, but holy crap am I glad I now know how to make that. Thanks for linking!

Sounds like a pretty bad experience, but after reading that I would have to say it was a defective keyboard. My old G15 was a champ, despite suffering several spilled sodas, a couple "Hulk SMASH!" moments, and a mysterious disappearing hard drive screw that lived under the right ctrl key for a couple of years. Just

Still no phones out there I care about. When my contract is up in two months, I'm going to dump phone service, buy a 4G hotspot off contract, and go month to month, using my N7 with a headset and Google Voice for the rare times I need to make a call.

I hope you contacted Logitech. Yours was most likely defective, and still covered under the year long warranty.

Vote: G510