
I have to admit, my playing experience has been similar, however the in-game tracking NEVER worked for me.

Oh god, what fresh hell is this?

“Real” racism? As opposed to what, “sham” racism, Ben?

I like to think that most of the celebrities acknowledge the Complete Bullshit that is the Oscars, they just hate-attend it like we hate-watch it.

Maybe his felony charges are related to all the felonies he committed.

I thought she couldn't get more awful, but she found a way.

Ohhhhhhhh, my heart!

I thought what they wrote was beautiful, I would be very proud if my parents had written that in my honour.

As someone who dips their oily pizza in other oily sauces I can’t relate to a pizza-blotter. We could never be friends.

Horrifying, my heart goes out to the families.

Unfortunately this isn’t that unheard of. Aircraft is not thoroughly groomed in-between each flight due to the pressure of on-time performance. I can see how someone would do a spot check of an aisle, pick up the coffee cup on the floor and move along. Please note I’m not saying that this is right, it is disgusting.

This is horribly depressing, I hope the victims get the justice they deserve.

There are worse things to bond over than The Secret.


Hahaha, awww. I would like Engagement Kitten too but I think I can’t wait that long, I might just adopt one now. :D

I feel exactly the same way, although my boyfriend is totally fine with not buying a ring. However, I know my friends and family are going to be like, “Ohhhhh show us the rin- what? What do you mean you don’t have a ring?” and then feel unneeded pity for me.

Spring is not real

This! This game was exciting for me - the only gamer in the family - and for my parents and siblings. I think that was the first and last time we played a video game together. So sad it ended!

Thank you, Julianne.

I am all for baggage fees. They just makes sense when 20% to 30% of ticket fares are to cover fuel costs. Why should someone with no luggage have to pay for the weight of someone else’s bag?