Lets look at the past 2 years worth of champs and see which ones were 'OP' at launch, shall we?
Lets look at the past 2 years worth of champs and see which ones were 'OP' at launch, shall we?
Some champs are strong when they're released (Yasuo, Braum, etc) while some are weak (Vel'koz, Lucian, etc). But I guess we can throw out tired old cliche jokes that are also factually incorrect if that's what you're into.
How does this effect you in any way? If you prefer simplicity, then the added choice shouldn't matter to you. Nothing about this detracts from your experience. It's simply an added layer for those who care. For you, the game is still, "Pick preferred fighter. Play game. Enjoy." Your argument is like saying a character…
More options =/= convoluted. If you prefer simplicity, then this really shouldn't matter to you at all.
That's like saying you'd rather have more Street Fighter characters than the currently existing ones having multiple ultras to choose from. The fighting styles aren't 100% completely new/original movesets independent of one another. The core character is still the same and each 'type' gives them (what appears to be)…
Well, the new client will go live SOON™ but I'm not sure if having all the languages available is something specific to the PBE (since it's not a region-specific server) or if it's simply part of the new client. Hopefully it's the latter. Playing some of these champions in other languages is hilarious/amazing.
Speaking of League voice overs, I'm so glad the new client on PBE has a language option. Now I can listen to Ahri in all her Korean glory. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Are you trolling? The only way they could stick MORE armor on Leona is if they covered her face up. Literally her entire body is covered in armor. No, that's not a a skin tight tshirt. It's gold armor with a chainmail shirt underneath. No part of her is exposed other than her face. There is nothing sexual or…
10 characters in the video. 4 are women. One is covered head-to-toe in armor and another doesn't have much skin showing aside from her mid drift. Of the two showing skin, one is a seductress whose entire playstyle is built around 'charming' her opponents. So that leaves us with one 'tacky' design - Zyra. Some…
The main advantage is a better build quality. Firstly, they (the kbs I listed) use Cherry MX switches. BlackWidow used to use Cherry MX Blues/Browns in 2012 (and earlier), but this past year replace them with proprietary "Razer gaming switches" which are really just rebranded cheap Chinese kahil switches that have…
I thought the first season was the only truly good one. There were some fantasy elements to it (Sookie's mind reading, Sam's shifting), but ultimately it was very grounded in, "What if vampires came out as real?" and showed us those results in a deeply religious and superstitious location of the American south while…
The problem with the Black Widow isn't necessarily that it's cheap or faulty or anything else that people like to spout off when it comes to Razer products. No, the only offense that the Black Widow is guilty of is that you can buy a superior product for the same price. It's kinda like asking, "If they cost the same,…
Clearly you're either a.) trolling, b.) didn't actually read everything I wrote, or c.) both, but let me dignify it with a response at any rate to clear up this misconception for any intelligent readers who might think your insipid shitposting has even a shred of truth to it.
Good Lord. This comment section is a cesspool. I won't try to get into which game is 'better', so here's my objective (as much as possible anyway) opinion:
Hell, I'd even be okay with a League of Legends F2P model over the current system. Have something like 25 Common, 10 Rare, 5 Epic, and 5 Legendary cards in a free rotation every week that you can use in your decks. At the very least, it'd give new users some access to the cards they need to possibly build a decent…
When you have no legendaries (or only shitty legendaries) and your opponent has 1 or 2 of the following: Rag/Black Knight/Sylvanas/Ysera/Cairne/Leeroy, you're pretty much guaranteed to lose unless they horribly misplay. It's absolutely infuriating when you're being matched against 'equally skilled' opponents, yet they…
I prefer the DotA 2 model. 100% of everything in the game related to actually playing the game unlocked from the second you download it. Literally the only reason to spend a dime in that game is if you want to make something look different. You never have to grind anything. Ever. Not even 'for free'. I still can't…
Space Fisherman is the only fishing game I'll ever need.
The low score is exactly what keeps it exciting. Look at US vs Belgium yesterday. The last 30 minutes of that game were absolutely mind blowing. Why? Because even at 120 minutes of game time, all it takes is one. single. goal. to completely even out the score. Any ball possession, any push down the field, or any…
Errr, the US finished No.1 in our group in 2010 and had a majority of the same key starting players we fielded this year. We also looked a lot stronger in 2010 (though admittedly, due to playing against weaker teams than we did this year) and only lost in Ro16 due to poor ref calls. (Yes, I know, the age old excuse.)…