
Yeah. I was just thinking, "Hasn't LoL Class allowed you to buy League lessons from pro players here in the states for a couple years now?" And I'm sure plenty of similar services have been available for other games in the past as well.

I disagree. The video is clearly mocking the people who can't go ~5 mins without checking their phones, alt-tabbing, etc. He even says, "When's the last time you got engaged in a book and read it all evening?" as if to highlight that as something people no longer do due to a constant connection online available to

I get the point the video was trying to make, but the only thing making this video hard to sit through wasn't some internet ADD, but rather it wanted me to listen to some pretentious dude prattle on in a mind numbingly boring video. I have no problems with sitting down and watching a 90-150 min movie without ever

Awww, his feelings are hurt and he's so angry he can't even spell correctly. :(

Oh hey. We found the one kid who actually thinks DotA 2's 'edgy' nonsense is actually appealing.

As someone who loves the new map in LoL but doesn't typically enjoy DotA 2's visuals, I think you're simplifying the issue a bit. It's not just the map in DotA 2. The characters also have that same type of art direction, whereas League characters are a lot more colorful/cartoony. Even on the current ver. of Summoner's

The new map is superb. I was a bit iffy about the muted color palette initially, but after playing a few games on PBE, you really notice how much better the spells 'pop'. It also seems to run smoother, though I'm not sure if that's because it's truly optimized better, or if it's due to PBE servers. (No FPS drop when

Mass accepted by who? Everyone has their own opinions, so there's really no 'general consensus' to base such a claim on. Would you consider soccer a sport? Because, to my grandpa and many other ill informed rednecks, that's a 'sissy game' and not a 'real' sport like football or hockey. What about MMA? It's certainly

It functions well enough to serve its purpose. Yes, they could essentially make it do everything it does now but better, as well as add a few new features, but ultimately, I've yet to hear anyone say, "This client is ruining my experience!" The worst you here is, "I wish the client had XYZ." or "The client is

It's a priority system. Does the client need work? Yes. Is it the most pressing issue on their agenda? No. Thus, higher priorities get addressed first. (And damn near everything related to the game itself is a higher priority than the client used to play the game.) That doesn't mean it's being completely ignored

TIL people care about balance in a game with rubberband AI and where the winner in 'competitive' play is decided largely by RNG rather than skill.

Fanboys will be fanboys and Nintendo has always had the worst of them. Everyone trashed the GC controller and talked about how bad it was back in that gen (aside from the wavebird which mostly got decent feedback for being the first first-party wireless controller that didn't suck). But now we've got a vocal minority

I'm not a streamer, so I'm not sure how to answer any of your questions regarding site policies. I'm merely a viewer and, from my perspective as such, this is nothing but a positive change for me.

I'd imagine Twitch is fine for most people who a.) only care about watching present streams and/or b.) watch low broadcast streamers (anything under ~10-15k) with the exception of peaks hours (when the site seems to lag across the board). For me personally though, I mostly only watch streams for pro gaming events that

Have you ever tried YouTube streaming? Completely different beast from regular YouTube. Twitch is, in my opinion, awful. If any stream gets 100k+ views, it starts to chug (which is pretty much every LCS/OGN broadcast). Chat blows up, the whole site/stream lags, and it's just a truly awful experience. VODs are also

What sense of progression were you looking for? Sure it was mostly, "Go here. Win races. Unlock better cars. Win more races." without any sort of story, but I mean, they're arcade racers and that's how all the early entries in the series progressed. I suppose it's different strokes, but I enjoy that simplicity. I

Hot Pursuit (2010 ver.) and Most Wanted (2012 ver.) were great. Then again, they were both made by Criterion and were largely throwbacks to the earlier (good) NFS games with the best elements from Burnout integrated in them as well. Every NFS since Hot Pursuit 2 (baring the aforementioned two) have been mediocre at

The game's balance has been moving in a wonderful direction. The biggest difference between previous seasons and now is that carries aren't the end-all-be-all of the game. Gone are the days when you could get a Doublelift on your team who could get 3 kills in lane and snowball it to a 20 min victory. IMO, this is a

The game's balance has been moving in a wonderful direction. The biggest difference between previous seasons and now is that carries aren't the end-all-be-all of the game. Gone are the days when you could get a Doublelift on your team who could get 3 kills in lane and snowball it to a 20 min victory. IMO, this is a

I'm not saying no one ever reports them, but you might get reported by 1 single person in a handful of games which isn't enough to send you to tribunal.