
I put Almond Dream (unsweetened) in my hot black tea every day! It's delicious! It's the only way I can drink the unsweetned version because it tastes like cardboard to me. Vanilla, on the other hand, reminds me of an almond milkshake and can drink glassfuls as long as I cut it with milk because it's too thick and

I eat anything too! Pizza, cupcakes, ice cream, lasagna, fried noodles, cereal, cheesecake, you name it.

It's worse when you actually start working in the industry. I was in it for 5 years and just lost all time and drive to play any games. After I lost my job, I got back into gaming and played more games in the past 6 months than I had in the past 6 years.

I had a sample which compelled me to buy a jumbo dual box at Costco. I got sick of it after half a bag and the other bag sat in my cupboard for 5 years before my mom decided she wanted to eat it.

Kind of like the Xenoblade review where the person played 30, They said it was good but didn't understand the hype. Then people would say "you have to play more! 60 hours is when things get real good!" I don't know, but 30 hours seems plenty enough to judge if you like the game or not.

Shortly after Gizmodo posted the thing about the "lazy eye fringe", Jezebel posted an article saying it doesn't: [jezebel.com]

I love Alienware's flashy and colorful keyboards. It's the reason I bought an M14x. (Ok I also go it because it's portable and it can play games!)

Why compare it to Fruit Ninja when it rip directly off of the Game & Watch ambulance game?

Re-use them as gift bags. Nothing says HAPPY BIRTHDAY like a Transformer toy in a Victoria's Secret bag for your son.

Gizmodo suffers greatly from this. Doesn't anyone remember this? [gizmodo.com] Specifically "Wondrously Childlike Gifts For The New Dad", because, you know, moms would never EVER want cool gadgets from Think Geek.

I think my problem is when people wear them in snow. They're the least waterproof footwear next to wrapping toilet paper around your feet.

UV light is also pretty harmful if you don't apply sunscreen to your fingers first. Sounds more hassle than it's worth.

You know what helps in Coliseum battles? Getting the fragment skill that doubles the gameplay speed. I can beat Lighting and Amodar in 5 minutes instead of 10. It saved me loads of time! But in order to get it, you need all the fragments.

There's nothing wrong with that list, except for the fish that's still alive. At least kill the poor thing.

Weird, I always have a snack 1-2 hours before bed because I cannot go to sleep on an empty stomach. I usually have a cup of black tea with something, like half a muffin. If I don't, I don't get a good night's rest and I end up starving 5 hours later. I have crazy metabolism though since I've been doing this all my

White knight much?

I think I would get a headache if I had to constantly solve obscure puzzles to get to places.

It was hard to find it most stores here. Got it and its sequel at Costco of all places.

I love that game to bits! I played the demo 5 times and the full game twice. I couldn't beat Tomba 2 because the last boss kept whooping my ass.