
Does anyone know a good technique to bleaching black hair? My hair is so thick and stubborn that I've had to do two separate bleaching sessions at home and only ever end up with a dark orange. I like dyeing my hair bright colors but nothing sticks to orange so I need a way to make a lighter shade first.

This is completely lame. You know what would constitute a good long photo? Driving for a kilometer or more on a straight highway while video recording the landscape, then stitching the frames together.

I loved FFXIII but it's far from being a FF game (which is probably why I like it) so if you want to experience a modern FF game, go with X and XII. You can eventually try XIII and XIII-2 for their own merits as long as you disassociate them from the rest.

To think I spent more than that on Pokemon cards over the years, some costing $50 for a single card. I feel a bit sad now. :(

People have complained about WW as they have with Twilight Princess, and subsequently, Skyward Sword. Fans will always nitpick because they have their rose-tinted nostalgia glasses for Orcarina of Time.

My PS3 controller has been giving me blisters on my right middle finger lately. Is this normal? :(

I've had acne for 18 years, starting from the ripe old age of 6 years old. It started out on my chest, arms and thighs. Then when I was a teen, hell broke loose everywhere. I've tried tons of on-the-shelf products that only made my problem worse. My dermatologist prescribed me antibiotics for 4 years before finally

From my experience, long nails only give your cuts and bruises. Just looking at her nails makes me cringe.

Apparently in the two decade period, roughly 66,000 children and teenagers were treated in the emergency rooms for "battery-related injuries."

Well at least we know what he eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday now.

I don't think they are a minority. All my girl friends play games. Perhaps it is just easier to find women who play games when you're one yourself, because it's easier to relate.

A boss called Matador is notorious for this

Hahah, that's amazing!

Are you dating my boyfriend?

She was told by HR that it was inappropriate but she'd still try to be defiant, as if to prove a point. She ended up being laid off after multiple warnings about her attire (than and apparently she made a faux-pas with a client). The sad thing is that she had to pretend she was still male when she was talking to

She started using the women's bathroom before she told us she was transitioning. You can imagine how odd it would be to see your former boss in the opposite gender's bathroom if you weren't sure what was happening.

We had a transgender at my old workplace in the gaming industry and it seemed that her transition was pretty rough since everyone was talking behind her back and I was a bit weirded out whenever I'd see her in the women's bathroom because she was my boss when she was still a guy. But she'd also wear low-cut shirts,

That looks like a tree or a broccoli.

I finally got my hands on Lost Odyssey when I found a used copy for $15 at my local EB Games. I know I'm late for the party, but I couldn't find it anywhere before and this was the first time I've seen it stores in years.