
Such a tired argument. You can buy a headset for under $300 that will let you play this game. This is not “as least as much as a pc”. Also, every Half-Life game has been expensive to play initially. I didn’t get to play Half-Life 2 until it made it to the 360.

There were 7 ads to scroll past in this story, plus two auto play videos for other GZ content. That’s too many. I had a hard time following the story between the ads.

Ok, Kotaku, I know Ads are how the writers get their food, but this is starting to overstay its welcome

Does not help at all that the country is run by a moronic dumbass turd burglar!

Wow.  How far into the B-roll of blog ideas are we by now?

Are the writers here just bored anymore? Doctor of opinions over here trying to fluff that paycheck. Imagine thinking using periods right now in the world is an issue that warrants this type of write up...

This was absolutely fascinating - even for someone like me who has never played an Animal Crossing game. Great work!

Then you’re pretty out of touch. It’s the only e-store that has near as wide a selection of games while also having good sales and decent features. It's got issues, sure, but EGS, as an example, is hot garbage as a store. 

200 more Pokemon being added in a $30 expansion pass.

They took them out, to resell them to us.

What a time to be alive.

The fuck does this have to do with anything else on Gizmodo?

You fail miserably as a personal fiance writer too.

The thing is, Fortnite’s constant update model followed Minecraft’s constant update model. This list is about the 5 games that signaled the biggest changes in the industry during this decade.  So in that respect, Fortnite is less influential than Minecraft.  

Not like he learned anything, but it goes to show you that the US Government stopped caring for its citizens a long time ago. Duncan is a Millenial example of his general apathy, materialism, and his disregard for self-responsibility if it doesn’t benefit him. Money/Power easily trumps ethical concerns for the

It’s difficult justifying paying double the money for a game with half the content of previous installments while other AAA franchises push the boundaries of the Switch.

Account is private now, probably because we can't have nice things.

I was watching the Jimquisition on this the other day and he made a fairly interesting point about Blizzard on this one. They argue that the matter is to keep politics out and keep the optics on the game itself. But if someone were to post something that is arguably political but less controversial (and certainly not

Notwithstanding that, doesn’t that make it pretty obvious that then perhaps Blizzard should have reacted in a different way?

No, Dragalia is just that awesome. 

I suspect it’s slow and unrewarding even in comparison to other Gachas? Or maybe I’m just spoiled by Dragalia :p