
There can be no ethical consumption under Capitalism

Suddenly I’m very happy not to have to use Bnet to play Destiny 2.

I’m getting older and I’m busy a lot and there is a lot of games out there. If you don’t make it easy for me to buy your game, I won’t bother. If you try to sell me a 60$ game for 100$ by having crap dlc? You’re out. Gameplay focused around lootboxes and microtransaction? out. I’m not boycoting stuff that comes out

By the way Josh, you should consider writing an article regarding the Epic store and the game Darq. I know I know lol that would go against the narrative and this isn’t going to get a response whatsoever. We have to make sure Epic and its developers are the victims, even when they are evil as fuck on this shit show.

Hey look at that. He managed to do it without screwing over the fans that were already paying and supporting the game and then pulling the rug from under them(ooblets), he didn’t resort to calling the people supporting his game a bunch of petty labels(ooblets), and then didn’t tell his fans who can’t even pay for

It’s like the Pokémon Company is just the cheapest bastards.

And that’s the point it’s not the Epic deal that pissed me off about this game ( which I was gonna buy but not now) it’s how they talked down to gamers like we were low grade trash who should feel blessed they even made the game and I’m not going to support snide jackasses.

No Nathan. I generally like you, but you are wrong.

They were being dicks about it when announced. A simple none condescending announcement would of been nice.  

I think the amount of effort you’re putting in to silence any legitimate criticism of the Epic Game Store has gotten out of hand, but what are ya gonna do? 

Oh look. Another Kotaku article that lists all the things they see as wrong with Valve/Steam yet glosses over anything wrong with Epic or the EGS. No mention at all about how Epic treats their employees as far as “crunch” goes since Fortnite got popular even though Kotaku loves pointing out that issue with every other

No mention of this?

You’re really brushing off the level of snark in their announcement, and failing to mention how they addressed concerns about availability of their game in different countries with currencies not accepted by Epic’s storefront with a “you’re not entitled to our game” bitchy and not at all joking response (which sort of

From what I read, that is what they said. And that is cool.

I mean fuck, if we are talking only about money here then in some ways companies would be fools to not take Epic’s money, but you would have to calculate if what Epic is offering you is worth all the hate you are going to get AND the potential lost sales you would have gotten from Steam given that Epic has a smaller

This epic/steam thing is obviously incredibly divisive, so really they’re just appealing to like, half of their potential customers and pissing off the other half that were already gonna be pissed off anyway.

^ This.
I was a huge Ooblets fan; been on their Discord a long while now, keep up with all their devlogs, etc... but I’m not okay with installing a Tencent-owned piece of software on my computer for a whole slew of reasons(such as not being okay with their aiding the PRC in the ongoing genocide and “reeducation” camps

Isn’t the backlash with the exclusives the fact that they happen after they were planned to release on Steam? I don’t think people care all that much if the announcement comes before people have sunk money into the games. I know I don’t care. I can wait to buy my games as I have many, many on my backlog. I prefer

No one should be preordering. 

No one should be preordering. 

No more preorders until games start being released fully developed again.

No more preorders until games start being released fully developed again.