Kamatari +

Man, I wonder how many great app deals I missed out on by not having the Amazon app .. app.

As usually the question, is there any firefox equivalent known of?

I triple agree to this. COD 4 had the best ambient music for the multiplayer modes. I liked Mw2 and I'm liking Mw3 so far with it's multiplayer ambient music.

App brain is just links to the android market. Without the android market installed on your phone, you can't actually download any applications from app brain. Plus, if you bought it a few months ago, you got it much earlier than anyone who got it for free (legally). Don't feel bummed out about your purchase.

Photo printing paper for $1. I believe it came with 20 sheets. Turns out to be the exact same product (and brand) that came with my HP all-in-one printer when I bought it. Can't go wrong with that. Made is much easier to work on scrap books.

But you can use a Smart phone without paying for data. My first smart phone was an HTC dream (G1). I bought it second hand, and used it on a prepaid T-mobile account that had no data plan.

Why bother coming into this post? Every time there is a call of duty post, there are many posters like you.

I find it funny that when someone brought input lag to the discussion, it was never revisited on that blog.

I'll second that. Who is this person, why does he say so?

This is pretty fun. I'm used to using naturally dragon speaking 6, never tried such a thing on android. She found me a picture of bill Clinton!

Surely you jest.

GAHH!! So perfect. I'm always switching out roms, then remember something in a backed up rom I needed, like text messages. So I have to put back a backed up rom to back up the texts, then wipe again to put back the new rom I just took off..

Right on, more power to you!!

That has happened to me for months now. I have a G1. What phone are you using?

Haha, you again :p. Android data storage guy/gall I shall call you. I figure it wouldn't be much to store, since it's just text mostly.

I wonder, does this require your Wi-fi/ 3g/2g to be on when you get a call, in order to look up this information? Or is it stored offline?

Like pullapint001 said, look for lighting bug. Really great app, plus down-loadable add-ons for the program.

It would be cool if they had an android application. I hardly find myself in a position to sit down and use web applications.

Nice write up. The milk and low-fat myths are the ones I heard the most in my life time.

Approving hasn't been working for awhile.