
Shane is also the worst. He's the most irritating quest-giver I've encountered in a while, and is a complete creep, to boot. Every other line is some manner of sleazy come-on to Fetch, and his master plans don't make much sense. I couldn't fathom why anyone would trust a word out of this guy's mouth, let alone

It may be, but if it is, it's a terrible reason.

Tell me: Why do YOU think the players themselves agreed to to drug testing? C'mon... throw out the Gordon case, and think about why the players collectively would allow the NFL to suspend (and take money away from) players for smoking pot?

If you don't bother to police it, then what prevents a player from showing up to practice high because he smoked before coming to practice?

I dont know if you guys are in the middle of writing the article and but for fucks sake another swatting incident happened to the creature and the video is here.

I don't buy it. Does anyone actually believe Tom Brady is going to lose out on endorsement deals because Josh Gordon smokes too much pot? Give me a break.

Fine, but those that believe that won't do drugs. It's not in any players' best interest for the league to be arbitrarily and unnecessarily testing for recreational drugs. Those that believe they're bad won't come up positive anyway, and those that do them will be penalized for something completely irrelevant.

Actually, no, they should leave the criminal investigations to the police. It's fine to suspend players who get arrested, because that has a direct impact on the team and the league's publicity. But the league should no more be investigating a player's relationship with his family than they should be conducting

She's not doing herself or her cause any favors by refusing to out these people.

To a great point made earlier, this penalty was collectively bargained. Signed off on by the players union.

That's a goddamned good question. That sounds like an egregious oversight by the player's union.

That's basically Jack in the Box's entire business model.

The league has every right to policing this, just like any other business that has employee drug testing policies.

This thing was a cheap piece of garbage. Look at the thumbstick. Even the one in that picture is fucked up.

... Smoking weed is criminal activity where he lives. The fact that he wasn't arrested for it is immaterial.

Ray Rice was arrested. Gordon was suspended for a league-mandated drug test that had nothing to do with his involvement in any criminal activity.

It should police the game, and the business dealings between the players, the owners, and the league. Period. You want to test for PEDs? Fine, that has a direct effect on the game. Policing for recreational drugs? That's the police's job.

Okay now that that's over with, why are we all cool with totally absolving Gordon of any responsibility for his actions here?

Bioware games are the last games I want to play multiplayer.

Victor White, Sr., the father of 22-year-old Victor White, III