Just so you know, that old thing where in response to a point you just call somebody racist and hope that leaves ya looking morally superior? It always had a half life, and it's just about run out.
Just so you know, that old thing where in response to a point you just call somebody racist and hope that leaves ya looking morally superior? It always had a half life, and it's just about run out.
I’m not concerned about jokes. He hasn’t called for any violence. AOC could be held accountable by your standard, what with her concentration camp rhetoric. A man is dead trying to liberate people from a camp. He was crazy, from my point of view. But if jokes can inspire people to kill, *surely* aspersions like that…
If some guy shot up a find raiser filled with rich people and he said pointedly that he was inspired by AOC and Bernie Sanders, it still wouldn’t be their fault.
Thank you. And yeah, good on him.
I have so many questions but it's probably best I don't ask.
What's funny is... I read this.
Do a meet piece on Kayane right now. Made 9th place, legend in the community. A female competitor who’s been busting heads WAY before a lot of your readers could read. And did so way before games were mainstream and it *actually* rare to see a girl dropping guys with Xianghua. A heroine of merit for either sex.
Then we're done here.
You haven’t advocated for anything other than nebulous platitudes and presumptions of how people respond to trash talk.
It was just the other day, I read it. A lot of this can be solved with the mute button.
I don’t see how people’s refusal to use a block/mute button relates to competition trash talk. And that's *if* I accepted those stats as valid, which I don't. The samples were not randomized and the metrics for harrassment were leading.
Mute. Block.
ESPN and EVO have now asserted that there was something lacking within the FGC that they can ‘solve’ thru coerced behavior. Good sportsmanship has been in the FGC and any other activity since forever. It’s only now they added subjective values to the mix. So we have situations like Straw Hat here very correctly…
The stars were aligned for 20yrs right up until everything got sponsored.
Wait wait;
So if it was grass roots, not sponsored by these corporations, it's cool?
Trash talk, that kind of thing.
I think you’re talking about a different topic entirely.
I'd love to hear ways of psyching out people that wouldn't be taken as 'problematic'.
If there's no safe word there is no game.