“And yet, with Stitt, the same feelings don’t bubble up in my chest, for reasons rooted in some fairly obvious ideological differences.”
“And yet, with Stitt, the same feelings don’t bubble up in my chest, for reasons rooted in some fairly obvious ideological differences.”
Educated you people on how lobbyist work. So stop getting offended by it like you guys don't do exactly what he called you out on doing all the time. He's 100% right and his own efforts don't change the point at all.
WWhen was the last time a 'good guy with a gun' was killed after stopping a bad guy?
Every Hero is attractive. Even Ana came out nice for a senior.
By every reasonable metric and evidence it would appear this issue exists like a motherfucker.
Makes it easier for him.
I'm a person of color. He's fine.
Game streaming is eh. Rather not have my race caught up in the monsense cause it's popular.
Handicap, eh? Perhaps consider that girls don't need you to kneecap boys to even things.
What’s really gonna freak people out is how breast would in fact move that way if a woman does that while wearing that.
Hey man, you're the one who read a certain way. Celebrate that if you wish.
Read again.
They aren't, but I suppose we'll disagree on that.
“Being bothered by video games depicting men in positions of power, by definition, makes you a “soft pathetic excuse of a human being”.”
He does not have “the exact same” talking points.
Your opinion has no effect or consideration to people willing comkit any crime for whatever reason. So unless you think for some reason violent assault will be legalized because we don’t shame criminals enough, it’s just yelling into the wind to feel good about yourself.
Like I care whatever wacky judgement you have for me because you don’t like the 100% relavent examples in modern history of what happens when hysterics becomes policy at any level.
“No one (at least no rational person) expects that saying “don’t do X” will stop people from doing X.”