If you can’t fathom the difference then we clearly have nothing to talk about.
If you can’t fathom the difference then we clearly have nothing to talk about.
You just fucking tried to tell me how to feel about it.
No it’s a word. You can use it, I can use, we all can use it. If you have a problem with racial slurs, fine, cover your ears. But no word, at all, can ever dictate its own mere utterance. If we can say “kill” in front of people who lost loved ones to murder knowing it’s not intended as a threat, miss me with the…
Just don’t watch the stream, bro.
Unless you well and truly do not understand what the word means, and what it’s traditional meaning is, your intent is entirely superseded by one concept:
You apparently don’t have a problem being called that word.
Sure but you are a racist.
How desperately you need to protect your poor view of my race that you can’t imagine that a black person can disagree with you. You’re garbage. You’re racist. You are the new ‘n-word’ to us. Go save somebody else.
And you’re a racist fuck boy.
Why is he a race hustler?
I never advocated for people ‘using’ racial slurs, I’m talking about being able to say it. I happen to care what the intention is. Nobody in these replies have called me a nigg*r, for instance, but by their vitriol they may as well have. Because their intention is me and my ideas are less than them. Words are nothing…
You can call me a House Nigg*r if you wish. I know that’s what you’re thinking and you ultimately want me killed for my speech. It doesn’t hurt my feelings.
And nobody gives a fuck about what you think the extent of the consequences should be.
Call it what you want but the baseline tends to be people like me. That’s how we have freedom of speech rather than a book of illegal words had these people had their way.
I already use it. The problem is the idea that other races don’t get to say it.
I don’t know what that is. Is that a twitch thing?
Something tells me if he said it verbatim it wouldn’t make a difference. But yes his point clear despite being unrefined and ill tempered.
Black people don’t need your pity. Even if they disagree with you. Many racists fail to grasp this.
That’s what I’ve been saying; you pity black people and consider their existence sad. That’s why we’re talking about this.