I never advocated ‘using’ racial slurs. I only advocate consideration of intention and usage of words over judgment of mere utterance of words themselves.
I never advocated ‘using’ racial slurs. I only advocate consideration of intention and usage of words over judgment of mere utterance of words themselves.
I never thought it was satire. Now if an argument against him is him being over the top and overly emotional about twitch views than yeah, I’d agree. I’m not a fan of his nor somebody who even enjoys streams (watching people play games outside of tournaments is odd to me).
Yes, Deplorable, referring to women as sluts for rejecting you as a sex partner and not dressing modestly is bigotry and misogyny,
That’s a fair enough response, actually. Just don’t so quickly assume the race of somebody over their views. If you don’t consider that embarrassing, fair enough, but it’s no less prejudice to a degree. Argue the point, not the person.
I will gladly watch your YouTube series chronicling your attempts.
I’m a happy black man, actually. So unfortunately you don’t get to exercise your safe racism.
No it really isn’t. The trick is to make your point as pragmatic as possible so it doesn’t divert in emotional pleas contingent on somebody being a certain race. I can use the word in any convo to make my point and challenge whoever takes issue with it. Which has bizarrely been mostly white people.
This is my fave part of embarrassing you people in the comments once I state a thought that doesn’t fit your low view of black people.
Or... follow me here... people stop being babies about it. If me and many others don’t crumble into dust at the mention of the word than it’s really the weaklings pushing an agenda. I don’t care if the word was a thousand years old. People need to get over it if they wanna be unstoppable in life.
Historical context matters too, it certainly matters more than “intent” (which is also nebulous - how would I truly know your intent? I don’t know you. I do know the history of that word) to me.
I’m black so I’m 100% free from any form of consequence. Anybody else has to face societal or professional punishment even if the word wasn’t used to demean anyone, which is absurd.
He did not explain it well. Perhaps say your thoughts rather than link to a professional race hustler who’s made it very hard for me to tear down bad ideas without somebody deferring to that clown.
I knew the type of people he’s talking about (though I’d mention both jocks and betties but he was talking in terms of twitch), and believe me they did not look kindly to anybody of this subculture male or female.
He’s a misogynist on the count of you finding something hard to believe? And him saying sluts?
Coates is a race hustler and doesn’t speak for me and is no more enlightened than anybody else, regardless of race, on this issue.
I don’t care about Pewdiepie and I’m not reading that. I don’t need to. The only effect that word has is people saying it has an effect. Nebulous stuff like “how it lands” doesn’t change the fact that it’s a word and words are nothing without intent.
Had you been this surgical during GamerGate you’d be a fucking rock star.
We also love fighting games. It’s not even funny. Only demo that takes it more serious are Asians.
He said kids instead of boys because he has no issue with female gamers.
It kinda is in a way. I don’t care who gets to say a word, only the intention. White people don’t get the freedom to use the word even if the intention isn’t racist. And that doesn’t jive with me.